Ship Poll

Hi, I am compiling a poll of the best ships out of both EV and EV Override. If you would like to take part in this poll, please could you email me with your favourite ship at:
or leave your favourite ship as a reply to this this message.
When the results are ready, I will put the results on my website ( (url="http://"") )


kill the hamsters
gerbils are superior

I think that the coolest ships are the UE Cruiser(EVO), the Rebel Cruiser(EV), the Confed Gunboat(EV), and the Voinian Heavy Fighter(EVO). There are other cool designs, but those are the best.

There is no "best" ship. There are favorite ships, however. My personal fav is the Azdara, followed by the Freight-courrier.

"You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


Well there is a "best". They are all best in some thing, like the krait is the best ship to show off your skills. (the krait was just an example). Maby it´s the best ships for him. My personal fav´s are:
1. The shuttle (cuz with out it I couldn´t get any thing else!)
2. Igazra (cuz it can kill)
3. Lots of other ships.

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

As October says, there is no 'best' ship, as it depends on the pilot's skills, for instance; Ankh Starrunner is famous for destroying the Alien Cruiser in a shuttlecraft and a Voinian Dreadnought in a Krait. However, you can have preferences.

Fav. ships for getting around:
EV; Scoutship.
EVO; Scoutship, Miranu Courier.

Fav. ships for battles:
EV; Argosy, Corvette.
EVO; Zidara.

Fav. ships for cargo hauling:
EV; Argosy.
EVO; Arada.

Fav. ships in general:
EV; Argosy, Corvette.
EVO; Arada.

Fav. plug ships:
EV; I'll get back to you on that
EVO; Tachyon Fighter (Frozen Heart), (url="http://"")Enigma(/url) (Enigma Project (shameless self-promotion. =D))

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
— GreenYO, #ev

My favorite ship for EVO is the Igazra.

My favorite ship for EV is the Confed Cruiser.

You may have noticed that they both kick @$$. 😄

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon

my fav ship is probably the Azdgari Warship, although u cant buy it, i bought a CW and modified it...the only thing missing was the green paint job.

In EV, my fav ship is probably the Corvette.u can do anything in that ship...

FW aka GrayWolf
"As I walk through the valley with the shadow of death, I am not afraid, because I'm the baddest son of a bitch in the valley"

My personal favorite is a modified UE Cruiser. It has 5 Blaze cannons and both a UE fighter bay and an Azdara bay, plus the Azdgari upgrade and shield gen, plues all the other upgrades. It outmaneuvers an Azdgari warship, and it has much more firepower and shields.


My favorite ships in EVO are:

FAVORITE PLUG SHIP:Galaxy Class-(Modified by me with EV Edit. Hehe.)


I'd have to say I'm partial to the Miranu Freighter. Not only does it have a wonderful tangerine iMac paint job, but it has a more than decent cargo capacity, and even if you're preparing to taking on big baddies, a nice emalgha warship conversion, alongside various ship tune-ups with shielding and armour allows it to pull it's own weight.
I used it on the dreadnaught mission and it fared well, even though I cannot remember what happened, all i remember is blinking and then seeing the dreadnaught fall, so the crew must not be half bad either.
In fact I'd still own it if I hadn't upgraded to the the big Igrazda(sp) ship. And to top it off, the ship is only moderatly expensive. So this is my fave ship.

Thank you. 🙂