Making Weapons/Outfits

How do I make weapons or outfits? I've tried copying the "weap" and "outf" resources for a weapon from another plug to my plug, but it didn't work.

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.

If you want to make outits or weapons, then use EV-Edit. Go to Outifts/Weapons, and in the 'recourse menu, click 'Create new Recourse'. Then edit your statistics. If you want to copy a weapon or outfit from another plug, then just make a new one, copy every statistic the same into the new reacourse, and if you need a pict for it, then go to the origanal, then 'Export' into a folder, then go to the new one and 'Load New'. If I have muddles you with this, here is a simpler version in steps:

1. Go to outfit or weapon catagory.
2. Create new recourse.
3. Copy all stats into new weapon or outfit.
4. If a pict is needed, then 'export' from one pict, 'Load New'.
5. That's it!



If editing an outfit, you may want to make it availible after a certain mission, then go to 'missions. Take note of the mission bit that you wish the oufit to be availible with, and put it into the 'mission bit' of the oufit options.


If you don't understand my explenation, read the explenation that comes with the program, or post the problem to EV Developers Corner.