Help with Beyond the cresent,and a cool glitch


I'v started playing "beyond the cresent" and I wondering if anyone knows where to go in the "open the door mission" or something like that. It's the one after you find the Docters ship floating around.

Also I was playing the F-25 plug and I had a bunch of escorts of "kitty" fighters,the red bad guys. Any way when I took out the plug and played the same pilot in normal EVO my escorts turned into Cresent stations. They move the same as a frieghter but have no guns. They send out an entire defence fleet consinting of 32 ships. Cool huh?

The reason we know there is Intelligent life in space is that they haven't contacted us.

Go to the Kelmaon system between Azdgari and Zidagar space (it's uninhabited) and you'll see a disabled Lariza called "Gadzooks!". Blow it up. Then head back to Pareen Station.

When in it up to thier ears, the
wise keep thier mouths shut.