Igazdra/Azdara/Zidagar Missions, please help.

Ok, I'm new to the web board. I've been playing EV since the old days though, so cut me some slack.
So, with EVO, I don't have any plugins on. Wanted to know if it's possible to do missions for the three aliens (Ig/Az/Zi) without having to start new pilots? You know, do all the zidagar missions, then the igazdra, etc. Can i do this? and also, is it possible, after beating the voinians, to then help them?
And one final question: What's up with the F-25 plug? i download it and then my new G4 says it's corrupt and i can't get it to work.
So, lots of questions, please one of you EVO pros, help me out. I'll be forever grateful.

I love Macs and PCs.
Please forgive me.
Half Life Rules!

First question:it is impossible to do all three strand missions as the same pilot, UNLESS you have the Triple Agent plug which will allow you to work for one strand, then the next, then the last.

Second question:no, after beating the Voinians they hate you eternally and even if you go on a vendetta against UE, you still wont be able to do their missions.
in order to do the Voinian missions, you have to get a good combat rating and land on pax(Dogovar system),go to the bar and you will get a Voinian mission string.
NB:you CANNOT do ANY UE military missions if you wish to work for the Voinians

Third question:F-25 works for me, mebbe u got a bad file, delete it and download it off another site.

As I walk through the valley with the shadow of death, I am not afraid, because I'm the baddest son of a bitch in the valley.


I love Macs and PCs.
Please forgive me.
Half Life Rules!

First and Second Questions: You can gain status and money, without angerring any governments. Then you could just duplicate you file and use the duplicate to do one set. The reduplicate the original and do the next set.

Third Question: I have the same problem with my Imac.

"Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration will be remembered in spite of ourselves." Abraham Lincoln