Help!!!!...Cant get plug ins to work

I've got a 333mh imac with 32 ram and it keeps telling me there isnt enough memory allocated to the program to run the plug ins. Ive tried virtual memory but to no avail. Is there any way to allocate more memory? Or anything else I can do short of upgrading???? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


"You think me mad!!! You
will think so no longer
when I describe to the
wise precautions I took
for the concelement of
the body........"

Your problem isn't with the amount of RAM your Mac has, but with the amount of memory allocated to EVO. Do this:

  • Click on EVO to select it,

  • Hit Command-I or go to the File menu and select "Get Info". A dialogue box appears.

  • Change the "Preferred Memory" setting to a larger figure. Minimum too, if you can afford it.

  • Close the dialogue box and run EVO as normal. Should work now.

Hope that solves it for you,


"The nature of all software is to be inherently broken and non-functional, otherwise it would lose its essential softwareness. Software is not software unless it sucks."

-- Sami Lempinen

Thank you very much for the help.


"You think me mad!!! You
will think so no longer
when I describe to the
wise precautions I took
for the concelement of
the body........"