EVO The Burning Season????

Does anyone have any information about EVO the burning Season? I remember there was some talk abou it on the "Old" board, but I have not heard anything lately, is it still being worked on? Has it become Vapor Ware?

It's listed in EVula's webring. Check there.

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

Yes, it was talked about on the real EVO board occasionaly, most of the strings were started by me because I found the plug quite intriguing.

Izuna has said (the few times I've seen him to make a comment) that The Burning Season is still around and that it's not just VapourWare. Although, at this point I'm not too opptimistic about it.

It looks like a kick-ass plug, agree?

Amo Vi-Um, The Best Latin Phrase.

Agreed, very kick @$$ plug!

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

I pray it does come out, along with FH 3 and Xianu Override its one of the upcoming plugs I am anticipating the most.


Hello all. Yes, the Burning Season is still around. Will it ever get finished? Hell if I know, at this point. I had some serious problems with resources not working, outfits backfiring, and general cruddiness that really dragged the dev down. I decided that I was going to wait for a couple of things to happen before I went on with this monster.

  1. EVO 1.0.2 release. If there's anything new in it, I don't want to have to retrofit to take advantage of it.
  2. Pontus' DevMap for EVO. Call me lazy, but I really don't want to **** around with ResEdit to re-create the universe, since we're altering the existing one.

Besides that...I've been reading a lot of Orson Scott Card, so there have been a few shake-ups in the old plot ^_^ Things are never what they seem, ne?


I visited your site and found the last update to be 2 years ago! And when I emailed you, my mail was bounced back. Please keep working on your plug.
