HELP!!! Ship graphics are changin on me!!

For some reason or other, loads of ships now look like UE Frieghters. I had 3 Laziras and 2 Voinian Frigates as escorts. But now, on the screen, the Laziras appear as UE freighters. So too do Zachit Fighters, Renegade Fighters and Laziras. In the heat of battle this can get very confusing. How am I supposed to fight when the screen is swarming with UE Freighters? Im frightened to go beyond Zachit space (since thats where it all seems to have gone wrong), in case things get more confusing as the other race's ships start changing.
Even though they appear to be Freighters on screen, they show up on my scanner as the ships that they are.
Ive done all the central objectives, blah blah,...Im just cruising round making loads of money before I start some new plug-ins. Ive dominated a fair chunk of the galaxy and I have about 250 million credits. What has made this happen? Please dont tell me I have to abandon this pilot!!
thanx in advance


I had a similar problem. UE Carriers, Laziras, Zidaras, Emalgha Freighters,... all looked like UE shuttles, but the ships maintained their weapons, shields, armor, speed, etc. Anyway, you could try to increase the memory that EVO uses. Just click once on "EV Override" and activate the Get Info window and change the memory from there. Make sure you check how much memory you have free through the "About This Computer" window. If you put too much, the game will crash a lot.

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.

This is the result of a really silly error in the code that I was unable to find for a long time - thankfully it's been fixed for good in EVO 1.0.2 (due out real soon now).


Matt Burch


Originally posted by mburch:
**...thankfully it's been fixed for good in EVO 1.0.2 (due out real soon now).


Oooh, "real soon", the suspense... 😉


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Originally posted by mburch:
**This is the result of a really silly error in the code that I was unable to find for a long time - thankfully it's been fixed for good in EVO 1.0.2 (due out real soon now).



Matt, is there any way of getting round the bug for now, or am I stuck with it?
Will my other saved pilots be similarly affected?
thanx in advance


It could be that the game is screwed up. Copy your pilot and redownload and reinstall EVO. If it is the pilot thats messed up, your screwed till 1.02


Man say Phillie number one American cigar, that man right!

AIM: Esvaem6 (duh)

Cheers for all the help everyone. I just re-installed EVO (a copy I had archived), and all is fine again. It must have been the game itself that was messed up. Close shave that one!!
Good Flights to all!


I've had the same problem. And, thankfully, it isn't the pilot file. I just made a new copy of EVO, transfered the pilot file, and away I went. I've had to do this about 3-4 times now.

Why don't you just issue a patch, Matt? How much work would it be to issue a patch that fixes a "small stupid error". As long as it is under 1 mb, it would be worth the download.

And how soon is "really soon"? "Soon" in the ocmputer world can mean three secs, or several months. Several months is too long, I think, for a simple bug fix. If it is closer to three seconds, then HURRAY!!!



Originally posted by Zitchas:
Why don't you just issue a patch, Matt? How much work would it be to issue a patch that fixes a "small stupid error".

Calm down. EVO 1.0.2 is in the final candidate stage of beta testing as I type this.


Matt Burch

I just had the same problem in EV while I was testing Cobalt Project. All the ships looked like Bulk Freighters, but acted like the ships they were. Weird.

"You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


I had the EXACT same problem. I fixed it by reinstalling the game, you might need to do this multiple times because it happens more than once.

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon

Well, its happened again. For a while the graphics returned to what they should be, but now I find that practcally every ship looks like a little shuttle. Its like watching ants. Ive tried re-installing EVO, but this time it makes no difference. Please dont tell me that my pilot is beyond salvation. Ive played it for so long now that I wil be really !!**!! off if I have to abandon it.
Is there any way I can FIX this, any patches or procedures?
