Why Me??

i have a little problem, i love ev override but my macintosh is dying, it's just to old, my dad went against my wishes and bought a new compaq instead and i was wondering if anyone knew if there was a way that i could get a emulator or something so that i could play ev override on my p.c. thank you


I´m not sure, but I heard of an emulator "mac soft" I think. I don´t know. I´m sorry, I can´t tell you were it is, cuz I don´t know. I know there are some of the members that use pc, so if you do, please help him. Just a little question, how old is your mac?

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

my mac is about 6 or 7 years old, maybe 8. please someone help me, the game is soooo slow.


To quote someone I don't remember(sorry quoted person):
"Use an emulator! But it will run like crap!(Although if you use Windows, you should be used to crap.)"

Justice is lost
Justice is raped
Justice is gone
Pulling your strings
Justice is done

[http://www.metallica.com](http://www.metallic<br />

Well, you can get a used Power Mac for less than a thousand dollars - something in the range of a 6100 - 7500, I suppose. 68040 Macs are even cheaper.

Or get an iMac. DV. The single coolest computer I know apart from a new G4.

"His Strangelove All-Purpose Do-It-Yourself Defensive First Second or Third Strike Indestructible Fantastic State-of-the-Art B-Ware Offensive Attack Bomber can't compare with our M & M E & A Sub-Supersonic Invisible and Noiseless Defensive Second-Strike Offensive Attack Bomber."
- from Closing Time , by Joseph Heller.


Originally posted by PSAamnesia:
**my mac is about 6 or 7 years old, maybe 8. please someone help me, the game is soooo slow.

I feel your pain (sort of). I use an old mac labtop AND my mom disapproves of me playing computer games so it's not easy for me, either.

"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"Er...er...yes...er...er...," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter."

Here's some help. (url="http://"http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bauec002")www.uni-mainz.de/~bauec002(/url) (url="http://"http://www.ardi.com/")www.ardi.com/(/url) (url="http://"http://www.emulators.com/index.html")www.emulators.com/index.html(/url)

"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"Er...er...yes...er...er...," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter."

Thank you all for your suggestions, does anyone know a web site i can go to to try to find a inexpensive mac??


Not offhand, but you can get a new one for $1000 (least expensive iMac) or a really nice iMac for $1500.
For used Macs:
check out the Mac outlets like:
Mac Warehouse
Mac Connection
Mac Zone
for their refurbished or used computers;
Look in the back of Mac magazines like
MacAddict, MacWorld, MacHome
for ads from used computer sellers;
Or, ask around to see if anyone is selling an old Mac.

I've seen PowerMacs selling for about $400 w. 32 MB/500 but make sure they have a CD-ROM drive and a monitor (and drivers) unless you already have them.


I feel sorry for you. My mac was quite old and dying just the same, but I convinced my dad to get an iMac. 🙂

P.S. emulators suck.

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon


Originally posted by PSAamnesia:
**Thank you all for your suggestions, does anyone know a web site i can go to to try to find a inexpensive mac??


Dealmac.com should have some good deals on macs.

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon