Where can I get F-25 V1.5 ?

Ive got 1.4, but Im reading so many mails about how 1.5 eliminates most of the bugs that I think I should start out with the most up to date version. I couldnt D/L it from the Ambrosia site, so where else is it available, if at all?



Originally posted by Rob:
**Ive got 1.4, but Im reading so many mails about how 1.5 eliminates most of the bugs that I think I should start out with the most up to date version. I couldnt D/L it from the Ambrosia site, so where else is it available, if at all?

As far as I know, it was never uploaded, and therefore, no longer exists. I lost my entire hard drive in a fatal power surge last week and I'm still not up and running yet.. When my G4 arrives, I'll take a stab at finding or re-doing 1.5 and let the board know when it's done.
