Good Plugs?

I've checked out the web links section and there were all sorts of pages to evo plugin creators. Most of the plugs seemed very interesting, but all of them were in development. I think they've been in development for a long time.

Anyway, does anybody know a good and big total conversion for EVO? I've already tried The Frozen Heart, and it got old fast. I guess a good expansion plug would be OK.

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.

You could try femme fatale if you liked the Frozen Heart stuff.
Good expansion plugs are reign of the voinans if you played trough the voinan missions.Reign 2 is a expansion for reign if you want more.
Captains of the freeport continues the renegade missionstring.
Beyond the crescent continues the UE-emalgha missions.
You also have secession and the saboteurs realm.

try the babylon and starwars plugs


I am the SuperStar Destroyer,
soon you will all feel my wrath
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

A jedi's strengh flows through
the force

luke do not underestimate the
powers of the darkside

I have acepted that you
were once Anakin Skywalker
my father

young jedi only now do
you truly understand the
powers of the darkside


Originally posted by wraith:
**try the babylon and starwars plugs



"His Strangelove All-Purpose Do-It-Yourself Defensive First Second or Third Strike Indestructible Fantastic State-of-the-Art B-Ware Offensive Attack Bomber can't compare with our M & M E & A Sub-Supersonic Invisible and Noiseless Defensive Second-Strike Offensive Attack Bomber."
- from Closing Time , by Joseph Heller.

STAR WARS SUCKS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

It had a very poorly written storyline.

The ships have too much power (Even a landing craft if better armed than a UE Destroyer) and too little shields and armor.

It gets old very fast. I got a Super Star Destroyer maxed with all outfits and 6 Mon Remonda escorts all captured. I simply demand tribute and hold the 'spacebar' while pressing 'r' and I've dominated a planet in less than a minute.

There are way too many fighters per bay. It's hard to get fighters out due to an overflow of ships. It's even more difficult when each ship can hold 200 fighters.

The dialog isn't really futuristic. It seems as though it was written by a 7 year old (not that I'm ageist or anything 🙂 ).


In other words, thanks for the suggestions 'anynomous', or whoever you are, but I've already tried buth of them. They didn't even have very long mission lines.

By the way, I've heard about a plug that's gonna be larger than 40 megs. Can anyone give me any info about it?

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.

It's Nova plug-in, and it's 30 Mb not 40. Everybody is waiting for it. No more specific info.
As for the good plug-ins, you can try F-25, it's the most recent one. Total conversion, cool missions, many new worlds and races. I don't remember if they have it here in add-ons but you can download it at (url="http://"")
Version 1.1 is preatty buggy but still playable, ver. 1.5 cleaned of the most bugs (I think).
You can also try Forth Reigh plug-in. Preatty good. They have it in add-ons.
