I love CWs...

I have a crescent warship, and am totally whooping the hineys off of those crappy voinians. heheheheheheh I cna take out a vionian carrier with 3/4 shields remaining, easy... and if i get a few too many of them on my tail, I just break and run. You'd be surprised at how cool it is to have vionian armor and crescent shields+4 boosters.... ALWAYS do the UE mission string, you will get paaren station active eventually, and u can buy voinian equip. I am getting pretty close to being able to take over minor v. bases... I already took those crappy emalgha planets, easy as pie. PHASE CANNONS STINK VS VIONIANS! they do negligable damage vs. armor, I avoid 'em like the plague. Neutron fire may fire slowly and travel slowly, but they have the highest damage yeild and when you are not moving they are highly accurate, even against fast targets. I had to sell my fighters, though... when I try to have them dock, the EVO crashes. Do the UE string for a while, it pays off. I have a cloaking device, 4 nuetron turrets, and a layer of dospect armor, the armor really helps when I cloak or fight hard enemies... Like vionian planetary garrisons (a carrier and 5-6 frigates at a time).

Beware, ticking off the strands isnt the best of ideas... I have yet to take the time to follow up on the first mission for the azgdara or whatever the name is, so I basically got half the galaxy mad at me for 100,000 credits, and there is not a fake ID for the crescent. (btw, does that thing actually work? i have no reason to shell out a millioncredits just to refresh my clean slate record and full access to UE shipyards...

Silver sky whale is a wuss.... Killed him with a lazira and 2 dp launchers. my CW has 4 DP launchers and 65 DPs, so I guess selling the fighter bay was a good idea.

I strongly believe that UE destroyers are wusses... their only advantage over CWs or even laziras is their crew of 91.

I WANT A ROCKET TURRET! I can buy the ammo, but not the stupid turrets themselves...

If I went too long, it is because this is my first time on this MB and I have been grounded from the net for over a month....

If you are on cybertown, CT ROCKS!! if u r not, go to (url="http://"http://www.cybertown.com!")www.cybertown.com!(/url)

My Azdara could kick you any day...

"You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


I have a Borb Class Voinian Heavy Cruiser with 6 nuetron turrets, 6 nuetron cannon, 4 Voinain Heavy Fighters, Dospect Amour, Bronev plating, and a bunch of other stuff (ECM system, Sensor upgrade, after burner, fuel scoop, etc.)

i can kill a UE Carrier in 9 seconds flat... oh, i forgot to menchen i have 6 Crescent Warships for escorts that i don't really care about because i catch 'em all the time from Bounty Hunters...

and that may sound pretty cool, but some poeple have 6 Dreadnaughts for escorts... i'm not entirely sure if they cheat or no though.

P.S. just buy a shuttle or something and blow your self up, it will clean your legal status every where.... or you can use a cheat plugin to clear your name...

P.P.S. if you blow your self up, than you'll lose good status' in other systems (i.e. Upstanding citiczen will turn to clean or something)


Er, is there really much of a point in this post? We're already aware of the mission results and 'bonuses'.

Unix is user-friendly. It is not idiot-friendly


Originally posted by Mordon:
**and that may sound pretty cool, but some poeple have 6 Dreadnaughts for escorts... i'm not entirely sure if they cheat or no though.

I have 6 Dreadnought escorts in one of my pilot files.
You don't have to cheat to get them. Unfortunatly, you can't buy any new weapons without losing the old ones, because they don't hold an outfit resouce =(

Though, as escorts... Dreadnoughts are great.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**I have 6 Dreadnought escorts in one of my pilot files.
You don't have to cheat to get them. Unfortunatly, you can't buy any new weapons without losing the old ones, because they don't hold an outfit resouce =(

Though, as escorts... Dreadnoughts are great.


There is no way you can get 6 Dreadnaught escorts. I might slightly understand getting one on a long shot but in no way can you get 6. You had to have used a cheat to get them.

I did really good on my driver's exam. I knocked down all the cones.


Originally posted by Desert Fox:
**There is no way you can get 6 Dreadnaught escorts. I might slightly understand getting one on a long shot but in no way can you get 6. You had to have used a cheat to get them.

No. With the right ships you can have 20% capture odds. As you gain each dreadnought, it becomes even easier.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

Mikee, get a ****ing life.

1 is understandable. Not too much time. No biggie. But 6, NOT COUNTING FAILURES?!

Jeeze. I dont even have that kind of time.


Life is but a dream. Pass the coffee, please.
Could I have an order of Discboard with that?


Originally posted by Skunko7:
**Mikee, get a ****ing life.

1 is understandable. Not too much time. No biggie. But 6, NOT COUNTING FAILURES?!

Jeeze. I dont even have that kind of time.


Unlike some people, I don't take 15 hours out of the day to do something. I took each of them over a long period. Besides, 20% that only means I had to kill it 30 times or so, actually it was probably 15 to 20.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**My Azdara could kick you any day...

I frag an Azdgari Warship's 6 Azdaras in a matter of seconds with the 5 phase turrets aboard my Igazra. 🙂

With a CW, you can do it just as well, especially if you're willing to sacrifice Defense Pods for those pathetic little mosquitoes.

If you, OctoberFost (Frost?), want to survive in your Azdara, I assume you're staying away from a ship's center, so that rules out DPs. Still, a few Pursuit Missile launchers should do the job, no matter what a genius of a pilot you are.

-- Cinga


Heck, in my UE Cruiser I can take out a Crecent Warship with just my blaze turrets in just a couple seconds. Unupgraded they are pretty weak.

Also, I thought that the game would not let you board the drednought, because it's a mission related ship. I could be wrong though...

I like people. They taste like chicken.


Originally posted by Cinga:
**If you, OctoberFost (Frost?), want to survive in your Azdara, I assume you're staying away from a ship's center, so that rules out DPs. Still, a few Pursuit Missile launchers should do the job, no matter what a genius of a pilot you are.

-- Cinga


Incorrect. If you get a shield generator, or both, your shields recharge so fast that even consecutive rocket hits won't get them down. Add an ECM, and you can just sit in front of ships and fire without having to fear for your ship.

Servack: This is done by waiting for the dreadnought, then aborting the mission. The dreadnought stays for you to kill and board. Then you get the mission again, and repeat.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345

Ahhhh yes. Crecent Warships, they are great arent they? 😄 All alien ships are awesome, why bother with those pathetic human ships (And Emaghlia)? (except for the UE Cruiser, HOLY CRAP is that thing nice!)

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon

I don't care about getting too many cool upgrades. I like to use a U.E Destroyer because of their reasonable speed and the good old forklift! Any ship I see that would usually turn mine into space dust I just kill with the forklift. But I tend not to do that now because I use the Monty Python trick. I found it very effective in a Helian with a Voinian Frigate when I did the Rescue Voinian Defector mission for about the 6th time a few days ago. I was suprised at the results! 🙂
As for capturing a Voinian Dreadnought I think that I am happy with what I have.(Good old UE!) Only, I Really really want A U.E Cruiser! With one of my previous pilot files I completed the Anna Balashova mission set and destroyed the Nadir in a U.E Destroyer without the Forklift (for once) but when I was enabled to purchase one I did not have enough money to buy it(Damn). I'd also love an Azdara but I just have not got around to doing Azdgari missions yet.
" The Goods and Services Tax is Cancelled!"
-The only thing John Howard should say to the Australian people to get


Originally posted by Striker:
I don't care about getting too many cool upgrades. I like to use a U.E Destroyer because of their reasonable speed and the good old forklift! Any ship I see that would usually turn mine into space dust I just kill with the forklift. But I tend not to do that now because I use the Monty Python trick. I found it very effective in a Helian with a Voinian Frigate when I did the Rescue Voinian Defector mission for about the 6th time a few days ago. I was suprised at the results!:)
As for capturing a Voinian Dreadnought I think that I am happy with what I have.(Good old UE!) Only, I Really really want A U.E Cruiser! With one of my previous pilot files I completed the Anna Balashova mission set and destroyed the Nadir in a U.E Destroyer without the Forklift (for once) but when I was enabled to purchase one I did not have enough money to buy it(Damn). I'd also love an Azdara but I just have not got around to doing Azdgari missions yet.

Can anyone explain this Monty Python maneuver to me? Everyone is talking about it, but I didn't find a definition anywhere.

-- Cinga


Read the previous topic "any tips on killing something" by Arthur
Dent. There is a really good description by Dan. It is when you
get a ship to follow you and you match there speed as they are
just on the edge of the screen or off it. Fire your turrents and
they will not fire back. It works but I think using it detracts
from the game. But thats just me. Also don't use the forklift
if you get it because it makes the game too easy.


You needed to monty python to rescue the voinian defector, and it took you 6 times to do it, geez. I did the mission in a scoutship, just flew right in, and landed.

Well, lookee at that, Billy, I ain't seen one 'o those before.

--Achmed, the Snake

No, I have not had 6 attempts at the Rescue Voinian Defector mission it's the 6th time that I've completed it!

By the way I've scrapped the forklift I just rely on skill which is currently getting better. I killed a Voinian Cruiser with my U.E Destroyer single handed today with no forklift! By the way I only did the Monty Python because a wanted to see if I could take out Voinian Capital ships with just a Helian. Easy peasy! No more forklifts for me! 😄