Any Ideas for a new plug??

Hey everyone i am currently not working on anything and i was wonderin if anyone had an idea for a plug that they want to see made. If you do, post the ideas here and i'll let you know what i think. Thanks


A plug-in that lets you upgrade your escorts, i.e. buy shield enhancers for them, mass expansion, etc. What do you think?

Work is the refuge of people who have nothing better to do-Oscar Wilde


Originally posted by Drew:
**A plug-in that lets you upgrade your escorts, i.e. buy shield enhancers for them, mass expansion, etc. What do you think?


Can't be done without having the source code. Sorry.

"Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will have me as a member."
- Groucho Marx

Everyone that wants to make a plug in for either EV or EVO has to realize that some things aren't possible. And that some things don't last. No matter what we do, a plug in won't last forever, as well as the EV legacy won't last forever.

All of us have dreams of our own private universe. I had mine too. I thought the perfect place to make my universe was in Escape Velocity. I decided to make a huge plug in. A complete overhaul of what EV was. I reared up my Bryce 3D and began building scores of ships. I was only making more work for myself.

It took me six months to realize what I was doing was futile. I gave up. I stored all my models and put them in the cold storage of my hardrive. Three more months passed...

I was just playing around in my hardrive like a five-year-old would be in a sand box. I found the library of models and took a look at them. Memories flooded back like a mudslide. A sat there for five whole minutes, just staring at the screen holding the models of the ships for my EV plug in. I knew what I wanted to do was impossible. I am only twelve years old! I climbed into my bed and began to think. How was I to create my universe?

EV had too many limatations. Just plain too many. I looked around my room. My eye was caught by the piles of Michael Chriton and Tom Clancy books. There were two men that had created there universes. I snapped out of my bed. THAT IS IT! Books have no limitations! I am only twelve years old, but twelve year olds have done greater things. I was to write a book!

I'm not kidden' here. I am writing my own book. If you don't beleive me, you might even see it on the shelves of bookstores in mid june. I am nearing page two-hundred, and the storyline has become so long, that I am eventually gonna write a sequal. If you don't beleive me, that is your choice. I can understand why you think that, though, and I sympathize. But that is not where my REAL universe is being built. If you want where I will spend eternity in, simply ask me in a new topic. I will answer you.

Thanks for reading this (I myself admit it is long, but I've written longer things :))

I am the ArcMaster. But I know someone who is the LifeMaster. If you want to know who he is, ask me, and I will share him with you.

"Creativity will always encounter opposition from mediocre minds."

-Albert Einstein

ArchMaster- I think you have a good idea. Someday i may write book along the storylines of escape velocity, or maybe about something else. But for now, i want to see what i can do to make a killer plugin for EVO, because i never know when i may think of a great idea to turn into a plug. But i understand where your comin from, and i wish you luck and i hope to see your book on the shelves sometime soon.



Originally posted by ColdFusion:
**Can't be done without having the source code. Sorry.

Since I've heard that 1.0.2 will be the last in the EV/O world (now don't kriticise me, I've read it from this board šŸ™‚ ) Wouldn't it be a great idea that Matt Burch revealed the source code for downloading. Then the remaining fans would be able to write killer plugs with buildable starports and stuff.


Originally posted by anynomous:
Since I've heard that 1.0.2 will be the last in the EV/O world (now don't kriticise me, I've read it from this board:) ) Wouldn't it be a great idea that Matt Burch revealed the source code for downloading. Then the remaining fans would be able to write killer plugs with buildable starports and stuff.

Well, Matt won't release the code. To quote him; 'Open source is gay.'

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
Ā— GreenYO, #ev


Originally posted by Andrew M:
**Well, Matt won't release the code. To quote him; 'Open source is gay.'


Well in that case someones just gonna have to do some serious hacking/bribing/kidnapping/blackmailing/stealing. It's not as if the source is going to be needed after 1.0.2 is released. Come on Matt, relax. Why not just release the original code for EV 1.0 so that we can get a general idea of how the actual game works.


If Matt calls open source "gay", then why did he make Exobattle open source? šŸ˜›

"You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


I have been working on a plug based on the pre-stages of the EVO UE/Voinian war. I'm havingh a bit of trouble, though. I have the scenario, ships, outfits, weapons, personel, fleets, dudes, junk, oops!, year and intro text ect. but I need graphics. If anyone has some good graphics for the 'old' EVO, I'd be really appretiative (sp) of anyone who could send them to me at If not, then please could you tell me what could programs I could use as good graphic makers. Thanx. šŸ™‚


Well, okay, I do have two tips for you. If you want to make a "Killer Plug" then give it a good storyline and lots of ships and weapons with good graphics. Give it a characteristic, or personality, that is different from all others. That is what makes a plug in so good. But you must understand that it is a load of work and is time consuming. What I was trying to say before was that EV has a lot of limitations. You can work around them, but it is like pulling needles through your cheeks. Do something that is worth the while, that seems real, and that will catch people's attention, but don't go overboard. This is my last post here.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

-Albert Einstein


Originally posted by The ArcMaster:
**Everyone that wants to make a plug in for either EV or EVO has to realize that some things aren't possible. And that some things don't last. No matter what we do, a plug in won't last forever, as well as the EV legacy won't last forever.

All of us have dreams of our own private universe. I had mine too. I thought the perfect place to make my universe was in Escape Velocity. I decided to make a huge plug in. A complete overhaul of what EV was. I reared up my Bryce 3D and began building scores of ships. I was only making more work for myself.

It took me six months to realize what I was doing was futile. I gave up. I stored all my models and put them in the cold storage of my hardrive. Three more months passed...**

ArcMaster Ā— if only you'd stuck at it and finished your plugin!

I also made a plug, and it took me 14 months. Several times I was on the point of chucking the whole thing and doing something else.

But I did finish it, and so can you. EV and EVO aren't as limited as you perhaps think they are, and the fact that you can do almost anything with text means that you really can write your book in it.

Go for it!

BTW, for a 12 year old you have an incredible command of written English.


M A R T I N Ā• T U R N E R

Okay, I've been kicking this plot around for a while, so I'll see what y'all think.

This takes place about 300 years after the origional Escape Velocity (similar to Frozen Heart) but is very diferent from all the others. You see, the Confederation defeated the Rebelion, but at a very high cost. In a last ditch effort, the Rebels launched a salvo of high yeld nuclear missles at earth, rendering it completely uninhabitable. This, added to economic pressures, caused the Confederacy to colapse. In the choas of the following centuries, four factions rose to power, each holding a section of the galaxy as thier own. I haven't thought up any names or such for the factions, but I figure it would play out like the strand war in EVO. As the story progesses, alliances change, and your charater will switch sides, and make many enimies. Now, the thing that also sets this apart the fact that your charater does not start out as a merchant in a shuttlecraft. In fact, you start out as a member as a mercinary orgainization (similar to SeeD in Final Fantasy šŸ˜Ž with a fighter craft as your staring ship. Towards the end of the story I figure that you would uncover a conspiracy that would threaten to undermine the structure of the galaxy.

Cool, huh? Tell me what you all thought.

I like people. They taste like chicken.