Femme Fatale Problem

I'm stuck in the Thor Frighter Missions. There is no sign of the Rigellian that was supposed to find out something about these freighters.

Does anybody know what's wrong?


You have to complete the "Murder Investigation" and "Stolen Art" (or what was it's name, anyway the one where you have to get back the stolen stature (I think)) mission strings and then Rigelian princess will show up alright.


I am having the same problem. I have finished the murder mystery and stolen art story lines, but whenever I check the bars and mission computer on Rigel IV and VI, nothing happens. What's the deal?

I am having the same problem. I have finished the murder mystery and stolen art story lines, but whenever I check the bars and mission computer on Rigel IV and VI, nothing happens. What's the deal?

Without giving anything away, you need to have done three things to find the third Thor Superfreighter

1 Complete the Art Theft missions
2 Complete the murder mystery including arresting the suspect
3 Find the first two freighters

If you've done all of these, it may just be a percentage chance (EVO can be funny about this sometimes). If you haven't found the first two freighters, then the only advice I'm willing to give you is:

i) The location of the first one is on holo-vid when you pick up the mission. Alternatively, think about the one place in the galaxy where (from your Frozen Heart adventures) you might expect a ship to disappear without trace.

ii) The location of the second one is near a war zone. There's only about four of those.

Hope this helps (but not too much).




M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Yeah, I've done all three of those things. I guess I'll just have to wait it out. Do I have to meet her on one of the Rigel planets?

After I found the second freighter, I got a lead from Bridgette in the bar
of a nearby system. If you get theat, you can take it from there.