A pseudo request/question for Mr.Burch

I was thinking about making this a straight-out request, but there are a couple of things that I'm not sure of, so...

Here's the question: Would it be possible to:

  1. Add -only- Next Frame/Previous Frame and close buttons to the QT movies and
  2. Add a flag in the EVO's QT resouce to toggle between normal movie mode, and the three-button mode. When in three-button mode, the movie doesn't automatically play.

I've worked with QT before, and I know it can be rather choosy about where it places controls sometimes, which is why I'm posting this as a question more than a request.

I see having Next/Previous buttons as being a damn good way for plug makers to include in-depth mission briefings and story snippets into the middle of the game. Instead of having external files (as in the Frozen Heart), you could format and place text into QT movies, along with illustrations. Each frame would act like a page in a picture book. You could use the Next/Previous buttons to flip back and forth, and use the Close button when done. Since the QT movie is just a series of indivudal pictures, the plug maker could format it as they want, in whatever layout.

Just something to think on.
