Azadari VS Voinian

The V. Dreadnaught would whip everyone. Its nearly impossible to kill with fighter fire and remember, one turreted rocket salvo would whip any azdaras. The only way to beat a Dreadnaught is by overwhelming it with powerful escorts. I especially like using a turreted rocket launcher on a Lazaira and making hit and run attacks against dreadnaughts. But with an Azdara, you could be making attack runs all day and you still wouldn't kill the Dreadnaught.

Well, you are right about one thing. If you were to beat the Dreadnought with an Azdara, you would need escorts. Even with that, the odds are slim of a victory on your side. But I like that. It makes it a chalenge. Or at least it is what I like (especially when you have a cloaking device installed).

To Skunko7 about my comment about the Azdara's paint job: Where are the 3D Models? PLEASE tell me. Right now I'm bouncing up and down in my seat just at the thought of 3D models of ANY EVO ships. Where did you find them? Because I could do that on my own then. And I would have time to do so. If anyone e;se knows, (again) PLEASE tell me.

Hey, it's Bad Temper here. I registered and it hasn't arrived yet so I have to use my real name. :mad: Anyway, OctoberFost. Sorry. I must've mistook you for someone else. :redface: Mordan in another post I think. Anyway, I still don't understand why you put Blaze cannons on. It would have been better to just put more Emalgha weapons than Blaze. But it orked for you, so what the hell. 🙂


Originally posted by Miranudude:
The V. Dreadnaught would whip everyone. Its nearly impossible to kill with fighter fire and remember, one turreted rocket salvo would whip any azdaras. The only way to beat a Dreadnaught is by overwhelming it with powerful escorts. I especially like using a turreted rocket launcher on a Lazaira and making hit and run attacks against dreadnaughts. But with an Azdara, you could be making attack runs all day and you still wouldn't kill the Dreadnaught.

Easiest way to kill Lazaira is by flying around it using SAD or SAE modules. It helps if there are no asteroids since those two modules have erratic flight patterns.

I did really good on my driver's exam. I knocked down all the cones.

I have confirmed my suspicions that the Interceptors have rockets. They are faster then the heavy fighters so the are slightly harder to hit than the H. Fighter. The rockets are the one weapon they have and they can prove quite fatal if you are not careful. They especially suck if you are running from the V. Dread and don't see them coming...

I did really good on my driver's exam. I knocked down all the cones.