drednaught help

how do you (observe the voienian reasearch base) iv talked to it looked at it, cloaked and tried comunicating with it and nothing works every time i land on earth after being in the isled system nothing happens

Good Hunten

Did you notice a large ship in the system? Use your scanner to find a warship called the Dreadnought, then hail it once or twice. If this doesn't work, try aborting and re-accepting the mission, but I'd make a copy of your pilot file just in case the UE doesn't like that you aborted the mission.

Isled: Just go through the ships in the system(tab). That should do it, but the thing have happend to me (another mission). Never figured how to fix it. Hope you get it back to normal. Good luck.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"

You don't really need the cloaking device. All you have to do is target it and that is it. You might need to hail it but that is all that needs to be done. You don't need to abort the mission, I think it will appear in the system any time that you jump in. Finding it is the easy part, fightin it is another matter altogether.

I did really good on my driver's exam. I knocked down all the cones.

A Lazira is well capable to kick a Crescent Warship's butt. Actually, CWs were the main source of credits that allowed me to buy my first own CW. 😉

Here's my strategy:

- Max out your primary weapons with phase turrets. Unfortunately, you can't use turrets and swivel cannons anymore. That used to be the ultimate kick-ass combination.

- Get an ECM. Unless there are lots of asteroids around, those enemy SADs are a major nuisance.

- Sell off those SAD launchers. No, this is not a typo. Sell 'em off.

- Buy 4-5 Defence Systems. No, this isn't a typo either. Fill up the remaining weapon space with Defence Pods.

- Next time you see a CW, swoop in with turrets blazing, settle down right on top of the warship and punch out a few salvoes of defence pods. That will drop its shields in no time at all, and it won't have the time to launch more than a handful of SADs.

- Board the ship and get the credits, then abort.

- Destroy the CW for more respect in town. 😉

- If you're up to it, finish off the fighters; otherwise, just jump out of the system.

Believe it or not, I now have a captured Igazra (lucky catch during the big battle at the end of the Azdgari mission arc) and a fleet of CWs and Laziras;
yet I still use Miranu Defense Pods as my only secondary weapons! (I can't use SAEs yet since I haven't done the Igadzra tour of duty yet...) SADs are just to susceptible to interference for my taste. Furthermore, they're slower to deliver than the DPs, and they cost more.

-- Cinga



Originally posted by Cinga:
**A Lazira is well capable to kick a Crescent Warship's butt. Actually, CWs were the main source of credits that allowed me to buy my first own CW. 😉

Here's my strategy:

- Max out your primary weapons with phase turrets. Unfortunately, you can't use turrets and swivel cannons anymore. That used to be the ultimate kick-ass combination.

- Get an ECM. Unless there are lots of asteroids around, those enemy SADs are a major nuisance.

- Sell off those SAD launchers. No, this is not a typo. Sell 'em off.

- Buy 4-5 Defence Systems. No, this isn't a typo either. Fill up the remaining weapon space with Defence Pods.

- Next time you see a CW, swoop in with turrets blazing, settle down right on top of the warship and punch out a few salvoes of defence pods. That will drop its shields in no time at all, and it won't have the time to launch more than a handful of SADs.

- Board the ship and get the credits, then abort.

- Destroy the CW for more respect in town. 😉

- If you're up to it, finish off the fighters; otherwise, just jump out of the system.

Believe it or not, I now have a captured Igazra (lucky catch during the big battle at the end of the Azdgari mission arc) and a fleet of CWs and Laziras;
yet I still use Miranu Defense Pods as my only secondary weapons! (I can't use SAEs yet since I haven't done the Igadzra tour of duty yet...) SADs are just to susceptible to interference for my taste. Furthermore, they're slower to deliver than the DPs, and they cost more.

-- Cinga


Good tip, wrong place. It has nothing to do with the topic, but I'll try it anyway ;). (What do you mean, we can't mix turrets with swivels?)

Adzgari Visionary, Leader of Squadron Firebird, Garit Fleet Commander, Azdara Stunt Pilot

"If I had a choice between power and speed, speed is what I'd go for."

"You call this fast?!"
–Adzy trying to buy an Adzgari Warship

"How can I make it go faster?"

Oops... :redface:

Well, there is a thread out there which deals with killing a pirate CW with a Lazira... I have no idea why I posted my reply on this list rather than on that one. I probably had too much of that Saalian brandy. 😉

-- Cinga


Is there any good teqniche to killing the Dread Noght?

Mr. Mulder, CIA
