SOFTmac Help

Anyone know why when i run EVO through SOFTmac, no matter which way i turn, it goes the way i started out facing (eg facing up then turning to face down, press forward and ship goes up) Any help wanted.

"Where the F*** have the bunnies gone?"
- Unknown


champion wrote:
**Anyone know why when i run EVO through SOFTmac, no matter which way i turn, it goes the way i started out facing (eg facing up then turning to face down, press forward and ship goes up) Any help wanted.


I don't really. However by responding to this at this time it will move this up top. So in theory some else who knows the answer will reply.

Darkness is coming...

Thank you. (this is also to move to top as i think it is a good idea 🙂 )

"Where the F*** have the bunnies gone?"
- Unknown

Someone respond to this dammit!

Darkness is coming...

OK then,I will.Well actualy,I won't.

Some reply with a helpful answer please!

"Where the F*** have the bunnies gone?"
- Unknown

I don't have a PC but can you increase the RAM that the game is getting.

If anyone can answer this question please respond.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

(This message has been edited by JuddAS (edited 04-15-2000).)

no one else seems willing to address the issue...

a similar thing happened to me with the original ev. i never figured out what was going on, but when i downloaded the game again and started fresh (deleting all of my prefs, program files, etc) it was fine. my assumption was that it's a bug that sometimes pops up during unstuffing or downloading.
i hope this helps.



champion wrote:
**Anyone know why when i run EVO through SOFTmac, no matter which way i turn, it goes the way i started out facing (eg facing up then turning to face down, press forward and ship goes up) Any help wanted.


Get a REAL Mac.

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon

Excellent idea! I'm glad someone finally thought of it. REAL Macs can easily be bought with the money you got from selling your PC!

#29 on the Periodic Table

Get ****ed. Why would i sell my PC to buy a mac. I would have to buy all new programs and such. Also if you want me to buy a mac, pay for it yourself. I have asked, but no one seems to care. Also, I think it is softmac, as i have run the same version through basilisk and fusion, and it works.

"Where the F*** have the bunnies gone?"
- Unknown

"Why would i sell my PC to buy a mac".

Cuz you don´t want a piece of junk any longer. Hahahahahahahaha! Kiddin)
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"

HA, HA, HA!!!! So have you got rid of that junk? Or do you still got problems with EV? Kidding again.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"

uhh... well, i'm using Virtual PC right now. on my mac. why? ti-ev. anyway, i haven't been bored enough to have a mac emulate a pc emulating a mac. check the documentation with softmac - it may tell you how to increase mem 'er something

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

just do what the first helpful person said to do.

Redownload it.

That sould fix all your problems