Request for 1.0.2

I would love to be able to have more escorts. A max of 3500cargo with escorts
is very limiting. And could you add a freighter that had like...10 000cargo?
It could cost like...40mill? Any one agree. It´s just a thought. Cuz all
that jumping back and forth is very boring. Also, it should be an outfit that
let you mark a route and hyperspace all the way(no stops at every system).
Is this possible? Or is it just plain stupid?
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"

Oh, if you think it is a stupid ide, please reply and tell why. Thanks-
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"


Originally posted by Shadow:
I would love to be able to have more escorts. A max of 3500cargo with escorts
is very limiting. And could you add a freighter that had like...10 000cargo?
It could cost like...40mill? Any one agree. It´s just a thought. Cuz all
that jumping back and forth is very boring. Also, it should be an outfit that
let you mark a route and hyperspace all the way(no stops at every system).
Is this possible? Or is it just plain stupid? **

No its not a stupid idea, having more escorts would be pretty cool, but theres also the max ships in a system limitation that needs to be raised as well. The other things like adding a freighter with lots of space, you can do that in a plug-in.


Will you all stop telling me what to do! Opinions from the peanut gallery are not welcome. Learn C++ and make your own damm game.

Message from Chamrin:
This is not the real Matt Burch, the poster is OctoberFost who replied below.

(This message has been edited by Chamrin (edited 04-21-2000).)

I know some of you are mad at me for impersonating Matt. But that is how he has to feel about all these requests! That's how I would feel.

"The toilet is over there!"

-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


How the hell do you know what he's thinking?!
Those are your opinions, not his!



Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**I know some of you are mad at me for impersonating Matt. But that is how he has to feel about all these requests! That's how I would feel.

Matt is not mad that everyone is making suggestions, recently he has been reading the board a lot, and if he does find a good idea, that is easy to implement, then he will do it. You don't speak for him, so don't go impersonating him.


The respond to tell why it is a bad idea dosn´t include Matt Burch.
So don´t waste any time on my little ide if it´s stupid, you just go on coding
(or fly a little in your plane that is...just kiddin). For the rest of you, reply and tell what you think!
And one more thing, I don´t like plug-ins, it feels like cheating. Why? Cuz most of them are "Get the super kill the game ship for 1m" when the far weaker ship, but THE most powerful ship normally in the game costs 15mill or something. But if any of you got a real plug that dosn´t include that, please tell me, that would be great.
If it´s quality software can you read "Made by Macintosh"

There are many good plugs out there for EVO, and even more for EV. Though I couldn't tell you the names of many EVO plugs, I've heard Frozen Heart is good. Also, I'm pretty sure MattJ131 created an EVO plug, which would undoubtably be a good one.


About the Hyperspace thing: I know you meant just hit the jump button once and it sends you through the whole route automatically, but you can get pretty close to that now by just holding down the jump button until you get there. Sure, you still have to go through the turn/slow down/turn again/jump sequence each time, but the time you spend in a system is still kept to a minimum, and you don't miss out on seeing something important (like the freighter with the kestrel parts in EV)

Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


(Insert witty remark here)


Originally posted by Knucklehead:

Aeon Productions

Aeon is dead buddy =p

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

More Escorts: I think it should be raised to 10, and, if possible, the max number of ships in a system raised to 40 or so to acomadate.

Cargo max of 3500: really? theres a max to how much your escorts can have? i did not know that, for you see, trading is kinda boring 😛

Mega Freighter thingy: 10,000 tons? that's a little excesive, why not 1000? and that can be done with a plug, frozen heart is a TC (total converson), you want an expansion plugin, i don't know any for EVO, but a good Expansion plug for EV is Galatic Scourge, keeps some what to the original EV graphics, and has many new millatary ships + a few freighters.

Skiping planets?: Hmm, that would be nice... although if i'm jumping long distances (7+ jumps) i just use something to hold down the jump key and leave for a minute to get a drink or something....

P.S. anybody know some good expansion plugins for EVO?


Err, it´s not 3500escorts, it´s the maximum chargo space you can get with escorts
(If you fly in a Miruanu..whatever.Heavy Freighter and have only MH Freighters as escorts the cargo is 3500 maximum). And for the jumpin-slow down-what ever. I downloaded a plug-in. It makes the jump out in...1second I think. But it´s still boring. I don´t want to jump into every little system, make a big jump! And holding down J, wow, 1second saved, no not realy cuz you just hit it as fast as you jump in. Yes, the Frozen Heart. That plug was realy bad! The sol systems were
so damn close togheter! I think. Though i´m not sure, it was a while ago.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"


Err, it´s not 3500escorts, it´s the maximum chargo space you can get with escorts (If you fly in a Miruanu..whatever.Heavy Freighter and have only MH Freighters as escorts the cargo is 3500 maximum).

that's what i was talking about...


And for the jumpin-slow down-what ever. I downloaded a plug-in. It makes the jump out in...1second I think. But it´s still boring. I don´t want to jump into every little system, make a big jump! And holding down J, wow, 1second saved, no not realy cuz you just hit it as fast as you jump in.

Lightning jump? yeah i downloaded that too, but i don't use it...


Yes, the Frozen Heart. That plug was realy bad! The sol systems were so damn close togheter! I think. Though i´m not sure, it was a while ago.

What I hated about it was those dang graphics, I mean, not only was it a bad idea but he did it wrong! besides EV is suposed to be from up above.


I like Frozen Heart in every way except that it takes so damn long to earn the credits for a Snow Goose.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I can bend minds with my 10 LB. SLEDGEHAMMER!!!


Originally posted by Mordon:
What I hated about it was those dang graphics, I mean, not only was it a bad idea but he did it wrong! besides EV is suposed to be from up above.

Explain to me how originality is bad.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I can bend minds with my 10 LB. SLEDGEHAMMER!!!

Originality isn't bad it's just that the graphics idea doesn't really work, he also did it wrong, how did he do it wrong you ask? well when the ship is pointing up, you should see the top like it is, however when the ship is pointng down you should see the bottum not the top.


I think that instead of more captured escorts you should have the same number of escorts,but be able to but/rent a whole fleet ie.A UE trading fleet,a Miranu defense fleet,something like that. 🙂
With the long jumps,I think it would be a great idea.If you had say,10 jumps worth of fuel,them you could just go to the map and choose a route worth 10 jumps,and hey Presto,you'ed be there in half a tick! 😄
And if you tried to choose an 11th stop,then it wouldn't let you select it.Whether you meant my version of a large jump or not,I think its a good idea.

I´m not completly sure how you meant, but I meant thet you should be able to mark a route of ten jumps and you would jump there the same way as if you jumped just one system away, but with the extra game time.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"

It seems to me that automating the jumping too much would take some of fun out of the game. The whole idea -- as I see it -- is to identify with the ship's pilot as much as possible.

For what it's worth, here's what I'd like to see in 1.02 (not having any idea how easy or hard it would be to implement): MOVING JUMP-POINTS.

I've never liked the idea of local maps. Sure, the fact that we discover the galaxy as we play is one of the joys of the game. But it doesn't make much sense that you can only get maps of nearby systems.

That is unless the wormholes moved about a bit. Now, imagine that the galaxy map was constantly (slowly) changing. You might jump through one wormhole, turn around, and find that it's gone. It would make long treks a lot more challenging: sometimes you'll have to backtrack, sometimes you'll get to where you want quicker than you expected.

As far as the interface is concerned, perhaps the maps that each pilot builds up could be probabilistic. For instance, a recently-travelled link might show as say green, indicating a high probability that the link is still there. Untravelled links might gradually fade to say yellow, indicating a lower probability that the link is still in place.

You'd probably also want some kind of outfit along the lines of a "jump scanner" that automatically updates the pilot's map with the current links in a system each time the pilot passes through.

Some players might find moving jump-points a pain in the neck (presumably those same players who want to automate the process), but I think that it would breathe life into the routine parts of the game; constantly renewing the sense of discovery.