The Council?

Theres this small station near Igadzra/Zidigar space thats owned by the Council and my rating there is Galactic Scourge. I havent done anything to them though. Who are they and what do they want? Any help would be appreciated.


If you hurt any strand they hate you. As far as I know nobody gets mad if you take'em over



Theres this small station near Igadzra/Zidigar space thats owned by the Council and my rating there is Galactic Scourge. I havent done anything to them though. Who are they and what do they want? Any help would be appreciated.

jabberwocky eh?
oh i'm a lumberjack and i'm ok. i sleep all night, i work all day!

anyway, nothing goes on in council station. the strands meet there, that's about it. i think a few plugins do something with the station, the triple agent plug being one of 'em.

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

If you even disable a Miranu, Zidigar, Igadzra, or Adzgari (you wouldn't dare!), It's considered the worst thing you did to the Council. (Even worse if you demand tribute!)

Adzgari Visionary, Leader of
Squadron Firebird, Garit Fleet
Commander, Azdara Stunt Pilot

"It's all about power and endurance,
but mostly speed. Noone can
match my speed and agility!"