Legal Status & Combat rating

I seem to have permanently mislaid my copies of the lists that describe the various legal status and combat rating possibilities. Could someone please copy the lists (including titles and points needed) here for me, or let me know where I can find them? Thanks a lot.


EV/O bible, down at the bottom.


Life is but a dream. Pass the coffee, please.
Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

•Combat Ratings

Your combat rating is based on the number of kills you have made, which is the sum of the crew complements of all the ships you have destroyed. The scale is as follows:

Kills: Rating:
0 Harmless
1 Mostly Harmless
100 Fair
200 Average
400 Above Average
800 Competent
1,600 Noteworthy
3,200 Excellent
6,400 Dangerous
12,800 Deadly
25,600 Ultimate

•Legal Status

Your legal status in a system is based on the crime tolerance of that system's government. (if the system is independent, it is based on the first government's (ID 128) crime tolerance) On this scale, enough "good" or "evil" points to equal the government's crime tolerance is given a value of 1:

Good Scale: Legal Status:
0 Clean
4 Decent Individual
16 Good Egg
64 Upstanding Citizen
256 Role Model
1024 Pillar of Society
4096 Honored Leader

Evil Scale: Legal Status:
0 Clean
1 Offender
4 Criminal
16 Felon
64 Fugitive
256 Public Enemy
1024 Prime Evil
4096 Galactic Scourge

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I can bend minds with my 10 LB. SLEDGEHAMMER!!!

Thanks, guys.


Wait.For Legal status you forgot 'Most Wanted'.


Wait.For Legal status you forgot 'Most Wanted'

evil goes: (in the evo resource)
most wanted
public enemy
prime evil
galactic scourge

yeah, most wanted ain't in the ec/evo bible for some reason. i think it's like 128, but i'm not sure.

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")