Frozen Heart sequel?

The Frozen Heart is perhaps the best total conversion of EVO that I have played. I struggled through many of the more complicated missions (those gosh-darned asteroids! Go away, I'm trying to board a ship!) and reached the ironic ending after days of being treated to utter coolness. Femme Fatale only reinforced my opinion of Martin Turner's work... The Frozen Heart is an example of EV as art... stretching the capabilities of a relatively limited game engine while telling an involved and exciting story. So.

I am wondering what Martin Turner is up to these days. The Frozen Heart webpage at Tripod still hints at a sequel ("Flight of the Hawk" or somesuch), plus a developer's guide, to assist plugin creators in making plugs for the E3 universe. I was really looking forward to trying my hand at creating something for that universe, but I wonder now whether it's still going to happen. I know Martin posts here periodically; Martin, do you have a magnus opus in the wings? Or is the E3 universe having a rest of undefined length?

Alan Slipp


what's this "EV3" your refering to?


I'm working on it right now, with Jim's encouragement and helpful comments from people like Peter Farago. Obviously I miss Brain, who is no longer around the EVO world, who was a constant source of interesting ideas.

Basically, Frozen Heart 2 will incorporate a much bigger universe, lots of new graphics, some new ideas that you haven't seen before, and will feature:
Frozen Heart (upgraded and uprated)
Femme Fatale (probably fairly similar to the current one)
Flight of the Eagle (the new story which I've been working on for a while).

It definitely won't be out before EVO 1.0.2, because it needs to take advantage of some of the new features that Matt and Andrew have announced.

My best guess is the summer -- quite possibly of 2000.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Originally posted by Mordon:
**what's this "EV3" your refering to?

Umm he said E3, that's the Frozen Heart Universe.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

The frozen heart was good but Femme fatale was just mad you know. It ruled. Martin, you juswt rule man. If theres anything i could do to help...

"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-

Which is the FrozenHeart web page?


Just download from the add-ons page here. The original website is a bit out of date.

If you liked Femme Fatale, go right on to the add-ons page and give it a rating.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R

No, i don't want to download them (I have played them both).
I wanted the page to see if there were some news about that Frozen Heart 2.


As an old PR hack (it's what I do for a living) I'm not planning to put out any announcements until it's very, very close to being finished. I'll answer questions on the Board about it, because that's more a community thing -- I just don't want to put up a site saying 'ship 23 of 279 now finished only 105 more days to go'.

Sorry -- but I think it's for the best.




M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Hey, I'm kinda clueless as to where to post this, but I see turner is posting here so I'll give it a shot.

I'm loving Frozen Heart, but I got to the point right after I meet baxter's daughter and drop her off at earth. I try to receive the urgent message but once i get it and click "ok" my system crashes. (I'm not that technical, but its like when you get a bomb error message, unfortunately, it locks up before the error is displayed and I have to manually restart). I'm on a g4/350 sawtooth and have qt 4.1 (or wahtever the newest is). I also have ev 1.0.1 and have all the prefs set correctly. 196 ram, given EVO 30megs.


Get rid of the QuickTime stuff. If you're using 1.0.3 then download 1.0.4 from this web-site.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-21-2000).)


Originally posted by Mike22:
I'm loving Frozen Heart, but I got to the point right after I meet baxter's daughter and drop her off at earth. I try to receive the urgent message but once i get it and click "ok" my system crashes.

It's the classic Quicktime crash just remove the Quicktime files from your folder and turn off Quicktime in EVO. For me it's always with the New Riga graduation, the second time always works.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I can bend minds with my 10 LB. SLEDGEHAMMER!!!