Web Sites

Hey, could you give me a list of cool EVO web sites? Like... ones with Pictures, and... um... Hints and Plugins.


Mr. Mulder, CIA



Originally posted by Mr. Mulder:
**Hey, could you give me a list of cool EVO web sites? Like... ones with Pictures, and... um... Hints and Plugins.


Working on it 😃

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

I found an awesome website for info about EVO. It gives detailed mission descriptions for all missions plus info about every planet and system (although that only works for ziggy space). It has outfit and ship info, and tons of it. Really the best EVO site around.
I dont know the URL, but if you go to the main ambrosia EVO page, click on web links, in web links scroll down and click on hot EV/O links, select EVO info, scroll down, it is called trent schaal's unofficial EVO site. Really cool.


Man say Phillie number one American cigar, that man right!

AIM: Esvaem6 (duh)


Originally posted by Mr. Mulder:
**Hey, could you give me a list of cool EVO web sites? Like... ones with Pictures, and... um... Hints and Plugins.


Well, you might like mine (check the sig). I haven't had any complaints, so I assume it has been accepted as a 'cool' site.

Micah L (Aeon Productions), (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com

For web links, simply go to the EV/EVO Web Links pages for links to EV/EVO sites:

EV: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/ev/weblinks.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...v/weblinks.html(/url)

EVO: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/evo/weblinks.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...o/weblinks.html(/url)

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.