Gunship Missions, Triple Agent Help

Hey... Im using the Triple Agent plugin and have already done the Calcutta missions for the Miranu, all the Zidagar, and all the Izgarda missions... what I can't seem to find is the beginning of the Gunship mission string. WHere is it??? I've already been recruited into the Zachit.... where to now??? Help!!!

What I also can't find is the beginning of the Azdgardi mission string. I did them in the past before and I know it begins with a mission at South Tip Station... then it goes to Muid. I can't seem to make it work this time. Any suggestions or pointers?


The Gunship string has nothing to do with Triple Agent. Can't remember exactly, but just keep looking in the obvious places 😉 The Adz missions begin as South as you can get. If you want total spoilers, keep posting to this thread.


The gunship string is avail on Station Zachit. It's low probability, and high cr and ls required, IIRC.


Life is but a dream. Pass the coffee, please.
Could I have an order of Discboard with that?


Originally posted by Alan:
**The Gunship string has nothing to do with Triple Agent. Can't remember exactly, but just keep looking in the obvious places;) The Adz missions begin as South as you can get. If you want total spoilers, keep posting to this thread.

I have been down to SOuth Tip like 10 times.... but I can't seem to be able to get the mission there.... do I need to do somethign else first?

Also, how do I increase my status in Zachit?? I'm at Good Egg now.



The Zachit should be direct enemies of the Renegades, so kill renegades. That'll get you a good status with anyone close to where you kill them - except the renegades, of course. 😉

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345