Matt Burch responded not stupid idea feature request

i got an idea after u said you might be making another sequel. i think there should be a way for you to be able to construct a statition you build u buy the equipment and u get the profits with maby a little going to the system your in providing it has a planet. i think it would be cool it would give you something to do when the missions are done and it could be programmed so it is attacked by pirates or a goverment that is seriusly pissed at you. and with this happening you should be able to take captured escorts and send them to a defense fleet. this would be cool. and lastly the system you put it in determines the amount of attacks it gets. like putting it in the sol system(original ev) would make it less likly to be attacked by pirates versus putting it in a pirate system. please respond to this please please please please please


I'm probably not the person you wanted to respond, but oh well... 😛

I think the idea of being able to build your own station would be better suited to a Multiplayer setting. (Yes, I'm bringing that up again.) On the other hand, most of what you're saying could be done now in a plugin. About the only Challenges I see are being able to choose where it goes and having it supply you with money on a regular basis. Other than that, this could be done now.

Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


(Insert witty remark here)

Who's Matt Burch?



Who's Matt Burch?

who's steve jobs?
who's bill gates?
william jefferson clinton?
hillary rhodamn clinton?

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Originally posted by MotherLove:
**Who's Matt Burch?


He wrote Escape Velocity and he makes all the updates to the game engine.

Robin, the sad part about those questions, is the fact that there ARE people in the US who don't know who all those people are. Or even some of them.



Jobs and Gates we all know, and Matt Burch

But who are those other guys?


M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Originally posted by Martin Turner:
But who are those other guys?

The president and first lady of the US.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

You might want to contact Matt Burch by e-mail. I have sent him several messages and he responded to them. I forget his e-mail address, but you can find it on his web page which you can find through Ambrosia's web page.

"I think therefore I find life much easier than most."


Originally posted by MotherLove:
**Who's Matt Burch?



"..A bug came through an open Window..."


Originally posted by wraith:
**and with this happening you should be able to take captured escorts and send them to a defense fleet.


That would make EV kinda like a strategy game like Ares or something. Sweet! I'd buy it, that's for sure:-)

"..A bug came through an open Window..."