Could you help me?

Hi all you EVO fans.... Could any one of you help me with this quetion:

Were is Cresent Space?

What are Zacit Ships?

Is there such thing as the council?

If you could answer those quetions for me, I would be greatful...

(Please E-Mail me the Answers!)



(QUOTE)Originally posted by Mr. Mulder:
**Hi all you EVO fans.... Could any one of you help me with this quetion:

Were is Cresent Space?

The Crescent is to the east young man, though go north first 🙂

What are Zacit Ships?


See above (north)

Is there such thing as the council?

Oh yeah.

If you could answer those quetions for me, I would be greatful...

(Please E-Mail me the Answers!)

No 🙂


Alen, whats your E-Mail...

Were is the Council? and how can I find it...

What is crecent space....????

What Are Zacit Ships????

Please answer the ones that you can (or are willing to)--Thanxs!

Mr. Mulder, CIA


Originally posted by Mr. Mulder:
**Alen, whats your E-Mail...

Were is the Council? and how can I find it...

What is crecent space....????

What Are Zacit Ships????

Please answer the ones that you can (or are willing to)--Thanxs!


Here is a map I did to show how things have changed since EVO in my plug-in. However, you can still look at it and see where "Crescent Space" is.
Look here: (url="http://"")

It consist of the Azdgari (The green), Igadzra (The orange), the Zidagar (purple) and the Miranu (the Yellow -stripes-). The area that is red striped (up at top) is also Crescent Space, in regular EVO it belongs to the Miranu. The Azdgari, Igadzra and Zidagar are known as the Strands, the point where they all connect is Gadzair, where the Council is located.

The Zachit ships are nothing more than enhanced Crescent Fighters and Aradas, given a new coat of paint, some (doo-hickeys) on the frame and Pursuit Missles. The Zachit basically operate in the red-striped area in the North.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 04-18-2000).)

Thanx to all of you who have help me with my quetions.



Mr. Mulder, CIA