Yet another 1.0.2 feature request

1.0.2 should have a mďsn flag that allows you to tell how long (in days) you stay on a planet; it'd make parts of some plugs like FH more logical.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."


1.0.2 should have a mďsn flag that allows you to tell how long (in days) you stay on a planet; it'd make parts of some plugs like FH more logical.

why not extend this time idea to outfits too? i.e. buying a map takes no time at all (you just update yer nav computer), but installing an upgrade such as a fighterbay or particle beam, etc. takes 2 days. also, am i to assume that these spaceports are so crowded it takes 2-3 days to just land and refuel!??

here's a kinda far out. actually put the sol star in the sol system! then if someone gets really damn bored they can go blow up the sun!!

"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

I would like to see other ships asking you for help, instead of you only asking them for help. Something like you would see a hail on the the bootom of the screen by the ship, and then you could hail them back. They would ask you what they want you to do (like give fuel, defend them, cargo missions) and then you would type in the amount it would cost (if they don't agree they ask for you to lower it).

Another one request is that when you buy ammo for weapons which could hold a lot, make it so there is a quantity box of which you could type in the amount you would like.


You can`t blow up the sun. It´s like trying to burn a fire.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"


Originally posted by Shadow:
You can`t blow up the sun. It´s like trying to burn a fire.

Get a huge explosive which can withstand the sun's heat, launch it into the sun, and the shockwave would spray plasma all over the system...poof! no more sun.

Lotsa ifs there though... 😉


.... and no more Earth, yeeessss where all dead.

I'll Eliminat u!


Originally posted by Weepul 884:
**Get a huge explosive which can withstand the sun's heat, launch it into the sun, and the shockwave would spray plasma all over the system...poof! no more sun.

Lotsa ifs there though... 😉

It's called gravity, no amount of explosive would make the sun "blow up". In case you didn't realize, the sun IS "blowing up", its a nuclear reaction... the only thing keeping it a sphere is the gravity it creates my its massive size and density.

What do you think makes dense stars and blackholes? When the "explosion" is finally great enough to beat the gravity (when the star becomes unstable), then all the mass is sucked right back but into an even smaller size.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr