Switching Sides

I have an old duplicated pilot file and I decided that I wanted to use it to play around with the voinians for a while. I tried to kill as many U.E. forces as I could but all it ended up doing is making the U.E. systems mad at me. The voinians never really changed their view. I think in this file I complete the Anna Balishova missions and I think the Dreadnought also. Is there any way that I can get the Voinians to like me. Also, in case I do make it, where does the voinian mission string start?

Voinians only listen to people that have never helped the UE Military directly against them, and who use proper grammar and punctuation.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

you can't help do any miltary missions for the ue if you want to join the vionians (so that one pilot file is trash). you go to pax station when your combat rating is high enough (excellent?) and you haven't done any MILTARY missions for the ue.



Skunko7 wrote:
**Voinians only listen to people that have never helped the UE Military directly against them, and who use proper grammar and punctuation.



Start a new pilot file. You get the mission to join the Voinians on Pax station. Who cares about proper grammar and punctuation anyway.

It depends on what the defintion of "is" is.

-Bill Clinton


JuddAS wrote:
Who cares about proper grammar and punctuation anyway.

Everyone, dammit!

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-10-2000).)


Andrew M wrote:
**Everyone, dammit!


As Mikee so aptly pointed out, sometimes it seems like you don't. šŸ˜œ

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345

I you WANT to play for the Voinians you got to do this:
1. DonĀ“t do ANY ue military missions.
2. Get a high combat rating by killing VOINIAN ships! Not by doing UE missions though!!!!!!!!
3. Go to Pax station and you will sooner or later get a mission.
The part where you get high combat rating by killing Voinian ships is VERY important. Cuz in the mission text you can read somewhat this:
ItĀ“s unusualy little humans in the bar when an Voinian walks up to you...
and then it offers you a mission that will restor your legal status with the Voinians...
Hope it helpĀ“s!!!!!!
If itĀ“s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"


Shadow wrote:
**I you WANT to play for the Voinians you got to do this:
1. DonĀ“t do ANY ue military missions.

From my experience that includes the Parren Station deliveries.


Start off as normal, and get at least an "excellent" rating. Then, do the UE mission to rescue the V. defector. You will be offered the mission.
Works every time!


Sorry if I sound stupid, but do the UE TRADING missions (e.g.- Transport 11 tons of equipment to New Riga) count as MILITARY missions?

You have to do the first trading mission to be offered the military ones.

Cap'n Hector, he is talking about the VOINIAN missions, not UE.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr