Your thought about the UE Destroyer...


Bad Temper wrote:

Oh lord, not another AOL user....

tear it down


Bad Temper wrote:
Faviroute ship?!The Destroyer?!WHAT?!So are you saying that if you had an outfitted destroyer,you could destroy a Voinian Dreadnought?Maybe an Izdgari?
Hey,Forge.Get over here and knock some sense into this guy!

I can kill a dreadnought with an Azdara.... so what?
And yes, I could take on an "Izdgari" with an Azdara as well...

tear it down

Dude, shove off. Ship doesn't matter. It's about as relivent as penis size.

Skill, however, matters. And, to a faint extent, outfits.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?


Skunko7 wrote:
Ship doesn't matter. It's about as relivent as penis size.

LOL! That's the most intelligent thing I've heard all day but it's only 8:35 AM, so I really should shut up now

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

Hey,Soviet Mikee.Sorry about that.I can destroy a Voinian Dreadnought with a shuttle,so I guess your right.However,in multi player,if I was in a scoutship and you were in a destroyer,I would probably win.I warn you that I am a very,VERY good pilot,modesty aside.Also I'm not a good speller,as you can tell.sorry.

Soviet Mikke,are you by any chance russian?

(quote)Bad Temper wrote:(/quote)
Hey,Soviet Mikee.Sorry about that.I can destroy a Voinian Dreadnought with a shuttle,so I guess your right.
---I HIGHLY doubt that
However,in multi player,if I was in a scoutship and you were in a destroyer,I would probably win.
---You are making this assumption on the basis of what?
I warn you that I am a very,VERY good pilot,modesty aside.
Also I'm not a good speller,as you can tell.sorry.

Soviet Mikke,are you by any chance russian?(/b)(/QUOTE)
---No, I am an okie

tear it down

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 04-15-2000).)

Why? Do you, Bad Temper, have something for or against Russians?

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345