Your thought about the UE Destroyer...

Hi, I just want your thought´s about the UE Destroyer and please, feel fre to give your thought´s about other UE ships. And what do you thing of the Voinian Frigate and Crusier? Who rules, UE or Voinians?
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"



The UE and Voinian sections are done and they have my opinions on those ships.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.

I must disagree. It's far cheaper than every other warship, has three turret spots, and a fair deal of expansion space. That, and it's fairly fast. I personally use it for anti Voin stuff.

Three Neturons, some rockets, and the normal outfits (IFF, Density, Fuel Scoop, Fuel Tanks, Needle Jammer, Cloak, ECM's, scanner upgrade, ect...)


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Make that three neutron TURRETS.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

I think it's pretty good, but I still like the Zidara. 😛

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

Skunko, I've always known you've been partial to the UE Destroyer. I don't like it, but that also might have a tiny bit to do with my thoughts that anything made in the U.S. is crap. Just projecting my feelings onto the game in that respect.

Besides, it's too slow for my tastes.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.

my 7 1/3 cents:
the simplest of answers:
the voinian ships have lots o' armor. the ue's just too well, earthly. higher shields.

get the slow moving dildo. or an azdara with dospec armor and shield boosters and SAE's. and a tractor beam and blaze cannons and take out any damn thing you want. dreadnaught, ue destroyer, 2 crescent warships in a row (that was fun), a naval fleet of azdaras and the azdari warship. just don't try hauling anything. no cargo space dammit 😞

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

Thanks for all your replies, but I got one more question for you: What do you think about the UE Carrier and the Turncoat? I´m interested. And once agin thanks for your replies...
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"


Frankly, they both stink.

The UE Carrier lacks speed and agility, and it's not good for close combat. Its fighters and shielding make up for this, but it's not that good of a ship. However, if you'll be fighting in renegade space, it'd be your best friend.

The Turncoat is faster and cheaper than a UE Carrier, but its poor shielding and pesky Kraits are no match for anything higher than a UE Destroyer. Don't even try fighting in Crescent space unless you're a GREAT pilot.

Overall, save up for something better.

Hope this helps. 🙂

OK, coming in a bit late here, but so what:

UE Destroyer. OK in UE/Voinian space (and a bit beyond), but stops conforming to the fun principle after that.

UE Carrier. Boring. Looks so much better in AI than it does in reality. Wonder what 1.0.2.'s going to do to it.

Turncoat. In UE space you can do things (though take on nothing stronger than a turncoat at first and be careful), but the Kraits are useless


Thanks for all your replies.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"


they both stink
the turncoat aint worth half a cent and the ue carrier isnt worth carrying SH*T
you want some advice spend your hard earned money in the crescent


Forge,my man!You are my brother!UE SUCKS!
Carrier:****ed up

I break things...


Louie D wrote:
I break things...

I'll break you if you don't STFU.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

bah, UE vessels suck. 😛

now the cresent warship. THAT's a cool ship. hasn't let me down once. (well, ok.. just ONCE.. but i was swarmed by fighters and had justcome out of cloak, i swear ) :)~

NightHawk The Sane


Andrew M wrote:

**I'll break you if you don't STFU.


Whatever does that mean? I've guessed STF stands for stop that f**king, but how does to u fit in?

I break things...

Well,dumb ass,it actualy means 'Shut the **** up'.So,STFU.

Personally, the UE destroyer is my favorite ship.
it's fast, flexible (as far as expansion goes), and well shaped.
You can dodge enemy gunfire by facing it head on too!

In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.

-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

Faviroute ship?!The Destroyer?!WHAT?!So are you saying that if you had an outfitted destroyer,you could destroy a Voinian Dreadnought?Maybe an Izdgari?
Hey,Forge.Get over here and knock some sense into this guy!