neutron turets and ve cruisers

where can i get a neuton turret, whats the cost, weight and capability. also what is this ve cruiser every ones talking about?

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

The Neutron turrets cost 90,000, weigh 30 tons, and kick ass. The UE Carrier/Cruiser/Destroyers are only available to people that use proper grammar.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?


Skunko7 wrote:
**The Neutron turrets cost 90,000, weigh 30 tons, and kick ass. The UE Carrier/Cruiser/Destroyers are only available to people that use proper grammar.



where can i get the neutron turret and also is ~s~ a hold down code? if not i need some. i have the forklift one and thats all

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

Hmm.. It could be a hold down code. It ISNT though.

Once more, grammar for the neutron turrets. Either get em from the Voinians, or do the Parren missions.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

Y'know Skunko7,I'm getting really pissed off with you.So,Shut the **** UP!


Skunko7 wrote:
**Hmm.. It could be a hold down code. It ISNT though.

Once more, grammar for the neutron turrets. Either get em from the Voinians, or do the Parren missions.



This is ironic: you say things about grammar, but you make a mistake yourself. It's Paaren, not Parren.
Assuming that it wasn't a typing error.


The Independent Government needs you in the uEVO RPG!


Skunko, don't even try.
people using the internet think that ease of communications means
they don't need to use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.

So, they ignore basic language skills.

Don't bother; they'll just look stupid. They won't get jobs;
"woukld u hir sum1 whu tipd lik this"?

That just means more money for us. Anyway, chicks dig guys who can
punctuate. 😉

BTW, 3 girls gathered around my PB G3/400, OOOhing &
Ahhhhing... it was great... "ohhh, it is SOOOO cute.... Oh, that is SOOO
beautiful... ohhhh..."




Actually, White Star, those who can express messages with less effort are those who probably are going to do better than those who make sure they dont make a mistake in a web board where grammar doesn't matter. However, in MX Big Keestral's case i agree with u.


Chicks do dig guys who can spell and type using correct grammer... 🙂

All I find strange is that this SOB e-mailed me asking what a Stuffit file was. Strange scince that is one of the few compression units on a mac, assuming he/she owns a mac. I felt sorry and replied but this sort of "Lackness in Common Sense" makes you think about how a guy like this even understands a game like EV/O.

WS: hey, bro, we Trekkies do get chicks 🙂


"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"


Kwanzar wrote:
**Chicks do dig guys who can spell and type using correct grammer...:)

All I find strange is that this SOB e-mailed me asking what a Stuffit file was. Strange scince that is one of the few compression units on a mac, assuming he/she owns a mac. I felt sorry and replied but this sort of "Lackness in Common Sense" makes you think about how a guy like this even understands a game like EV/O.

WS: hey, bro, we Trekkies do get chicks 🙂


hey that was me. Dont make me pop a friggen cap. oh whell no hard feelings as long as you tell me how to install (make it work) a plugin.

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

Hey, no hard feelings. Just try to present yourself like you actually have some skill/brains...It's not too hard.


"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

(quote)mx big kestrel wrote:
hey that was me. Dont make me pop a friggen cap. oh whell no hard feelings as long as you tell me how to install (make it work) a plugin.


Once the file is decompressed put the plug-in in a folder that says EV Plug-Ins.
Don't let everyone get you down.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.