Things that should change

One of my biggest gripes about EVO is when I am fighting vs. Voinians. I take down their shields in about .00000001 seconds, than their armor takes a long time, right? I think it would be a good idea in the target box instead of saying "Shields Down" to give a percent of Armor left. Than I know when to stop my escorts if i am trying capturing, and I know when to put out the final uumph to kill that dreadnought.

Also, there should be a regular brake button to slow down without turning around and tapping forward.

Also, there should be some more options at the new game screen (the one with the strict play option). Examples would be an "Asteroid collisions" button that would make asteroids damage your ship, but would be easily destroyed with a single shot from anything. Other buttons could be what race to start as (so you start somewhere else with UE planets forbidden and starting with ziggy missions or stng and have to find the UE and Voinians, etc.

Also, when other ships land, they should disappear (it is unfair that i regain full shields and they can't hurt me, but i can surprise attack any ship with a mine while it is landed).

Also, flying in system should take a little bit of fuel, to limit monty python and such.

If anyone has any others like these, post the ideas, and maybe someone will listen.

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

It is a good idea. I don't think everyone will like though because the game will be harder. However, I like these ideas.

It depends on the defintion of "is" is.


Esvaem6 wrote:
One of my biggest gripes about EVO is when I am fighting vs. Voinians. I take down their shields in about .00000001 seconds, than their armor takes a long time, right? I think it would be a good idea in the target box instead of saying "Shields Down" to give a percent of Armor left. Than I know when to stop my escorts if i am trying capturing, and I know when to put out the final uumph to kill that dreadnought.

It's part of the storyline that you can't tell how much Voin armour has gone down.


Also, there should be a regular brake button to slow down without turning around and tapping forward.

Why? The whole system of accelerating in the other direction to stop is part of the game's physics. See, there's no friction against your ship in space, so you don't have anythin to brake with.


Also, there should be some more options at the new game screen (the one with the strict play option). Examples would be an "Asteroid collisions" button that would make asteroids damage your ship, but would be easily destroyed with a single shot from anything.

Why? There's no point to it, so why should anyone be bothered coding it in when a better AI or something else would be more appreciated?


Other buttons could be what race to start as (so you start somewhere else with UE planets forbidden and starting with ziggy missions or stng and have to find the UE and Voinians, etc.

Nice idea. Way too complicated though- it would eat up a lot of space.


Also, when other ships land, they should disappear (it is unfair that i regain full shields and they can't hurt me, but i can surprise attack any ship with a mine while it is landed).

Again, nice idea. Doesn't really bother me though, seeing as generally the only ships that land are freighters, and they're easy enough as it is.


Also, flying in system should take a little bit of fuel, to limit monty python and such.

This is ridiculous. Not only would it limit the monty python, it would also limit combat of any sort- apart from the use of extreme brute force. I assume that it's your preferred tactic from your wonderfully intelligent idea. Also it completely voids the use of the fuel scoop. Again, how wonderfully intelligent.



"I asked for a 50 cent mixture, and all I got was teeth!"

AIM: EVBasilisk

(This message has been edited by Basilisk (edited 04-10-2000).)

A brake could be a thruster(an upgrade to buy) in the opposite direction. FRICTION ISNT NEEDED.


The brake "thingie" would be cool, and you should be able to uppgrade it. And I got an idea, you should be able to be about three uppgrades to speed and other stuff, that would be cool, like in Grand Turismo 2. Use fule in system, stupid.
If itΒ΄s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"

more upgrades to speed are an easy change. You can do that with a plug-in. Just raise the number of speed/thrust/turn enhancers that a single ship can outfit.


All these ideas are really stupid. If they were ever incorporated into EV, I'd never use them.

#29 on the Periodic Table

You do know that, although I strongly agree with most of it, none of this will EVER happen. We already know what's going to be added in 1.0.2, and once it's out there will be no more updates. Ambrosia has completely abbandoned EV for crappy Ferazel type games. It's very sad. :frown:

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost

I hate to rain on your parade, if you like being pessimistic, but in fact an optional armor counter is being incorporated into the target pict and in 1.02 it will indeed be possible for ships to lose fuel as they fly around a system.

Sorry to disappoint you... (?)


I like most of Esvaem6's ideas. More strict play options would make the game a lot more interesting.

It SUCKS that Amorisia has decided to abandon EV and EVO. We should petion Ambrosia for a continuing update and new sequels for the Escape Velocity. We could put a request into Demand Mac! for petition space. Consider it.


COpperman wrote:
All these ideas are really stupid. If they were ever incorporated into EV, I'd never use them.

especially about that fuel thing. stupid. if all the ships in EV use impulse drive engines, they don't need to expend fuel, and it certainly wouldn't be the same type of fuel that you use to jump. i'm sure someone will try to contradict me. impulse drives need something to run. duh. the impulse drives run off the warp core in starwars i think. but expending fuel? no. actually, i think it's just thrusters? i dunno exactly, but whatever they are they don't burn fuel.

armor: i think it's odd that your armor can recharge. if your shields go down, then they can come back up. unless, of course, your armor is self-repairing. who ever heard of that though?

and when you land, your shields go back up, so do theirs, and if you killed any of them off they all come back. and they reload all their ammo, naval vessels, etc. so it is fair.

starting with different governments: This isn't Orcs and Humans in WarCraft or StarCraft or Deadlock. Plus, the story line doesn't fit.

brakes : ok, who here has their license? i use brakes for one thing: avoid hitting anything. that's it. in sw pod racer or carmageddon, that's different. you can total your car or your pod engines.

-- I have edited this. i was in a bad mood. sorry. --

I've played EV for about 5 years because I like the way it is. You start out with 10,000 credits and a shuttle. You have to work for and earn everything you get. EV's a classic. EV is challenging the way it is. Even more when EVO 1.0.2 with the new AI is relesed. Matt Burch is adding all these cool new outfit types, fixing this, improving that. He isn't turning EV into Gran Torismo, or any other game that I've seen for that matter, and I thank him for leaving EV as EV. πŸ˜‰ If you want or need to use the brake, just turn your ship around. Is it that hard? Brakes are for Gran Torismo. A lot of time and effort goes into desinging a game, especially one that rocks like EV. You say "hey, let's do this." Well, plan out how you're gonna do that, plan any algorithms if necessary, write the code, debug it, optimize it, that takes weeks. Go play Gran Torismo and buy all the upgrades you want. Go play starcraft and start as another race. Go play warcraft and play as the Orcs or the Humans.

-- end of my editing. again, i was in a bad mood and i apoligize --

(This message has been edited by Robin (edited 04-12-2000).)


Robin wrote:
armor: i think it's odd that your armor can recharge. if your shields go down, then they can come back up. unless, of course, your armor is self-repairing. who ever heard of that though?

Simple, the armor has Borg regeneration technology. πŸ˜›

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Bubbles wrote:

**I hate to rain on your parade, if you like being pessimistic, but in fact an optional armor counter is being incorporated into the target pict and in 1.02 it will indeed be possible for ships to lose fuel as they fly around a system.

Sorry to disappoint you... (?)


Good. That's good. At least all is not lost to the evil Ferazel Regime.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost


Bubbles wrote:
**and in 1.02 it will indeed be possible for ships to lose fuel as they fly around a system.


Sort of, but not directly related to maneuvering - instead, the new secondary function of an outfit item can be configured to slowly siphon fuel from your tanks, if the scenario designer wants to be so cruel.


Matt Burch | "If it's not on fire, it's a software problem." | [
...---------------](<br />

Well this reverse fuel siphoning could be useful as a way of putting a new kind of time limit on a mission. It's a much more urgent kind of time limit than the one missions use now.

And mburch, do you know that the link on your sig includes all of the dashes and lines after the URL? It doesn't work as a link on the board (not that it's difficult to type in).


(This message has been edited by Bubbles (edited 04-11-2000).)


especially about that fuel thing. stupid. if all the ships in EV use impulse drive engines, they don't need to expend fuel, and it certainly wouldn't be the same type of fuel that you use to jump. i'm sure someone will try to contradict me. impulse drives need something to run. duh. the impulse drives run off the warp core in starwars i think. but expending fuel? no. actually, i think it's just thrusters? i dunno exactly, but whatever they are they don't burn fuel.

Umm.. I hate to contradict you (no.. wait, its quite fun.. sorry) but in Star TREK (NOT STAR WARS) The impulse engins DID in fact require fuel to run. Even the warp drives consumed fuel. If it doesnt burn fuel then what does it run on? Basic laws of physics say energy cannot be created. Thus engines (any engines) need fuel. But the idea of a ship losing its fuel as it manouevers around a system is just annoying. Sure, its realistic. But in terms of gameplay, its annoying. Maybe make it an option for people who want a challenge.


starting with different governments: This isn't Orcs and Humans in WarCraft or StarCraft or Deadlock. Plus, the story line doesn't fit.

'Story Line'? Exactly which story line do you mean, the UE one, the Voinian one, the Zidgar one, the Azdgari one, the Miranu one, the Zachit one, the Igadzra one? It doesnt especially matter what race a person is. Maybe starting out as a separate race might affect your starting legal status in their systems. But it woudlnt change the plot at all, you could concievably be a Voinian who chooses to side with the UE.

hmm.. about Armor. a percentage to see how damaged their armor is would be great. Simple sensor scans would be able to detect this. As for armor repairing itself.. it might be nifty to make damaged armor permanent, and have an outfit that you buy to repair your armor. Maybe make that another option upon starting the game.

Robin, I've played EV and EVO since they came out. I wouldnt call myself a veteran... but maybe I'm modest. But even if you are a veteren, touting that serves no purpose, other than to make others dislike you. Theres absolutly nothing wrong with suggesting possible changes, improvements, or additions. I'd be willing to bet they could give you a decent list of improvements that have been made to EV/EVO because of user feedback. If the people who use the program dont tell them what we like, dont like, or would change, then WHO is going to?


NightHawk The Sane wrote:
The impulse engins DID in fact require fuel to run. Even the warp drives consumed fuel. If it doesnt burn fuel then what does it run on? Basic laws of physics say energy cannot be created. Thus engines (any engines) need fuel.

Well, all the ships have ion ramscoops to fuel the sublight drives. πŸ˜› Any idiot could figure that out.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832, ext. 291-360-3759

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

about what i said:
i was in a bad mood. apologies all around. if the drinking age was lower i'd buy everyone a round 'er something. πŸ˜‰

This is EV, not gran torismo, and in a nutshell I like EV the way it is, aside from the. that's all i was saying. and i was giving matt burch credit.

the whole armor recharging thing would be neat if it were like refueling.
as for the 'veteran' thing, well, that was lack of a better word. i deleted that.

the storyline thing: i meant the overall intro to the game where it talks about you just getting out of flight school, you were a crew member aboard a vessel of some kind for a while until you could afford your own shuttle, and now you're on your own. sure, you could change it like that, but i dunno, really. it'd be a lot of work. and, you can just do a few missions and get the miranu to like you, you can join the zachit, the renegades i think, there's the strand war you can side on, you can annoy the confeds until the voinians like you and join them, etc.

i know user feedback is everything when dealing with marketing and selling stuff. i've probably submitted a few ideas that've been incorporated into EV. i do think there's a limit though. adding a brake, for instance, that's just, i dunno... it's just as easy to hold down reverse course and press accel. one more key to press. and there is friction in space - there is gas out there, you know. the physics are good the way they are, i think. if there is a brake thruster, then you'd start going backwards too if you hold it down. uhhh... that'd be interesting.
asteroid collisions - remember that space is 3 dimmensional. asteroids aren't like pillars, and are easily avoidable. and those attacking asteroids get bloody annoying in frozen heart. can't count how many times i thanked myself for not playing strict for once!

starting as other races sounds like making EV more like starcraft type games. nothing wrong with starcraft. but this is EV. i guess i don't wanna see EV change too much. awww
anyway, that's what is on my mind.
for the few of you who're interested in Ti-EV, i should be getting around to gameplay i'm guessing like next month. i need to get the engine for that working first. i have the routines done to read all the resources, now i gotta do something with the routines... anyway, more's on (url="http://"")()P(/url).

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

hm. about brakes... i was just thinking, that if you just made a modification to the Afterburner, so you could define it to have 'foward' or 'reverse' thrust. then plugin designers could have 'brakes' if they wanted. (and damn if it wouldnt be helpful to be able to go in reverse sometimes)

(for people who know how outfits would be a simple matter of making the mod value for an afterburner outfit to take a -1 or 1, 1 would imply foward thrust like a normal afterburner, -1 would imply reverse thrust)

NightHawk The Sane