Best Weapons

I was wondering what you people consider to be the best cannons/turrets. I've recently equipped my laizara with neutron cannons and have found them to be very effective. They have a prett good range and accuracy and good damage. What do you think about the best type of cannon?

P.S. How do you complete the mission where you get the U.E. cruiser?


Apex wrote:
**I was wondering what you people consider to be the best cannons/turrets. I've recently equipped my laizara with neutron cannons and have found them to be very effective. They have a prett good range and accuracy and good damage. What do you think about the best type of cannon?

P.S. How do you complete the mission where you get the U.E. cruiser?**

I tried putting neutron turrets on my Igazra. While they do more damage per shot than the phase turrets, they also fire over 2 times slower --> Reload for a Neutron turret is ~ 1 shot per second, a phase turret fires ~ 2 times per second. The total damage, assuming both shots hit will be as follows

Neutron = 32
Phase = 30

Neutron = 17
Phase = 8

So, the neutron turret is more powerful against shields, and twice as powerful against armor, but fires more slowely. Also, the life (how long the shot lasts before fizzeling out) is:

Neutron = 1.5 seconds - enough to reach well off screen
Phase = .5 seconds - not very far at all

So, they neutron turret is really a better weapon in these respects - but it weights so much more.

Neutron = 30 tons
Phase = 20 tons

Finally (and then I will stop this banter) is the speed of each projectile.

Neutron = 750 - pixels per frame x100
Phase = 2000 - pixels per frame x100

This means that if you are trying to hit fast moving targets, Neutron turret shots will fall behind the intended target (like the Azdgari fighters) without doing much damage, while the phase turrets work great against smaller, fast moving targets.

Therefore, I would suggest buying a combination of Neutron turrets and Phase turrets. Maybe two Neutron and 3 Phase on the Igazra, or 3 and 2 depending on what type of targets you think you are going to fight. For example, I think Phase turrets are better against the Strands and Neutrons are better against the Voinians, Emalgha and UE forces, but that is just me.

Hope you can understand all this and it helps you.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me


Apex wrote:
**I was wondering what you people consider to be the best cannons/turrets. I've recently equipped my laizara with neutron cannons and have found them to be very effective. They have a prett good range and accuracy and good damage. What do you think about the best type of cannon?

P.S. How do you complete the mission where you get the U.E. cruiser?**

It depends on what you can afford, and which space your allowed into. I have found that Phase Cannons are very useful aginst Vonian armor and just about anything els that get's in your way. Blaze Cannons are not very good compared to Nutron Cannons and Phase Cannons. I have used Nutron Cannons aginst Vonian armor and it has a pretty good effect. But then there's all those other races that have different factors. I would tend to go with a weapon that has fast blasts, a fairly rapid fire rate, and a good damage ratio.And the mission, I once knew but I forgot.


Phase Cannons are very useful aginst Vonian armor

What are you talking about? Phase weapons do very little damage to armor. For armor you need blaze or neutron.

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...


Obormot wrote:
For armor you need blaze or neutron.

or Emalgha.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

My room is a chaotic disaster area

in my UE cruiser i have 5 blaze turrets, 250 needles with 3 launchers and the fighter bay with 5 fighters. so basically i'll take turrets over cannons any day 😛


Well...I tried neutron on my Crescent Warship, but they just stink in the Strand space. Sure, they're powerful, but they're only good if they actually hit. plus, it takes up too much space :eek:. I think I like phase the best overall. (maybe I just just have 1 or 2 neutron turrets)

"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter."

(This message has been edited by Arthur Dent (edited 04-04-2000).)


Obormot wrote:
**What are you talking about? Phase weapons do very little damage to armor. For armor you need blaze or neutron.


Blaze cannons only do:

6 Damage

4 Damage

A Phase turret does twice as much damage against armor, and Blaze turrets have an innacuracy of 15, while a phase turrets is only 2 - more of its shots hit.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

I stand corrected.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345

What is the best primary weapon to use against Voinians- the Neutron turrent or the Emalghia (spelling?) turrent? And the best secondary weapon? I've heard that Defense and SAD Modules are good, but I'm not sure.


Gekko wrote:
What is the best primary weapon to use against Voinians- the Neutron turrent or the Emalghia (spelling?) turrent?

Neither and both.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

The chance if you being Bill Gates is 1 in about 6,000,000,000.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Gekko wrote:
And the best secondary weapon? I've heard that Defense and SAD Modules are good, but I'm not sure.

Neither and both, but try SAEs. 🙂

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

The chance if you being Bill Gates is 1 in about 6,000,000,000.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

To FINALLY answer Apex's question - How do you complete the mission where you get the U.E. cruiser? - you get the mission in the bar on New Taranto (Talii system). You have to help rescue Anna Bellashova (sp?) - go to the bar on Freeport or Gorky in the Riomor system. You'll get the UE cruiser after you rescue her.

Thanks for the answer Gekko but I figured that one out a while ago on the board somewhere else. Sorry for not posting it before.

P.S. I'm registered I just forgot my password and didn't wan't to bother w/ the e-mail thing.

I'd say Neutrons. They are more powerful, work well all over, ect. For secondary, I change depending on my target race. I use SAD's for anti Human/Human Renegade, Rockets for anti Voin, and either nothing or MDPs anti-strand.

Phase have their uses, but keep in mind that they cost a load more than Neutrons, suck in a number of places, and really are way too short range.

However, if I'm in a fighter, I'll always use Swiv Phase, because Blaze just blows and Neutrons are hard to hit with.

Fighter is anything with 2 or less turret spots, not counting freighters.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

What is a SAE module? Is it possible for me to get it if I'm allies with the UE, Miranu, and Igadzra?

SAE-Search and eliminate
They are upgraded SAD modules. You can get them by working for the Igadzra.

As for the best weapons, I prefer a mix of Nuetron and Phase cannons/turrets. Nuetrons work well against large targets while phase work well against smaller ships like crescent fighters. With a smaller ship, I maxed out my ship with swivel phase cannons. Then I just let auto-pilot do the rest of the work. As for secondary weapons, I've never found one that was very good. I hated having to reload everytime you got to an outfit shop. The ammo was usually too heavy (like rockets), too weak (like needles), or got jammed easily in the crescent (like modules and hunter missiles). The only one I've found to be exceptionally useful is the plasma siphon (great against the green azdagari fighters).

The best are the phase swivel guns (spelling error) and neutron turrets.

It depends on the defintion of "is" is.

P.S. How do you complete the mission where you get the U.E. cruiser?(/B)(/QUOTE)

You have to go to New Taranto, get a message about AB (Anna Balasha something or other) and then go to Freeport, later you have to fight the Nadir, an upgraded Renegade ship.

You disable the Nadir and board it, then take AB to Knox(SP?) and it´s done. I think).
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