I was reading the Ambrosia Times just now, and I saw that AmbrosiaSW had decided not to update EVO after version 1.0.2. Just thought I'd let you know.




You saw this where? I checked the various ASW sources - no news of this. It sounds like something they might do, though.

If it's a prank, it isn't especially funny. Just stupid.

"This evening's meeting of the Clairvoyance Society canceled due to unforeseen circumstances."
-More Anguished English

Chrestomanci's article in the Ambrosia Times. Quoting from para 1:


Ambrosia has said that they will not update EV/EVO after EVO 1.0.2 , so most of this is just speculation as to how such a project would turn out, and how it would be implemented.

In fact, this news is not new (not that Chrestomanci claimed it was), Ambrosia and MB have been saying this for a while in posts here and there.

That aside, the new revision sounds almost good enough to be treated as a release on its own. The difference between EVO's 1.0.1 & 1.0.2 sounds at least as great as that between EV and EVO. Hands up all those who want to be the first to do a total replacement for the new engine...



Hornet wrote:
**I was reading the Ambrosia Times just now, and I saw that AmbrosiaSW had decided not to update EVO after version 1.0.2. Just thought I'd let you know.

You don't pick up on clues to well do you? 😃

tear it down

You guys seem so happy, I think it´s kind of sad. Why are they doing this, to little sales? I don´t read Ambrosia news stuff, so could you fill me inn a little?
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"


Are people sad when they have to trade in their car? No, because they are getting something better afterwards.

They are ending the EVO updates... they ended the EV updates...

Really, its almost a hint at something better happening. I mean sure, it sucked they never updated EV... but there were updates for EVO 😃

Then again, all my cryptic speaking is nothing more than speculation... I mean, ATMOS planned to have it out last January....

tear it down

Ok, I meant after the update there will be no more, that is sad. Just to irritate:
People are happy when they trade in there car and get a better, but waht will they do when they need(want) a new one. Then they can´t get one. Thats bad.
But Soviet mikee, now that this is the final uppgrade, will there be no new EV game, or does it mean they want to spend more time on making an new game in the EV series. Cuz it would be very very sad if this was the last "thing" in the EV history. Does EVO/EV have poor sales? Just wondering-
Tanks once agin...
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"



Shadow wrote:
Ok, I meant after the update there will be no more, that is sad. Just to irritate:
People are happy when they trade in there car and get a better, but waht will they do when they need(want) a new one. Then they can´t get one. Thats bad.
But Soviet mikee, now that this is the final uppgrade, will there be no new EV game, or does it mean they want to spend more time on making an new game in the EV series. Cuz it would be very very sad if this was the last "thing" in the EV history. Does EVO/EV have poor sales? Just wondering-
Tanks once agin...

There is another "EV" game coming out soon. It was done by a company (made up of a bunch of weird aussies....) who are selling it through Ambrosia. They haven't decided... or haven't publically said, whether or not (as I hope...) it will be packaged with the EVO 1.0.2 engine (which it HAS to run on) or as a plug-in that you pay for.

It's bigger than EVO, although it isn't the same style as EVO....
NOVA 1.0.0 😃

tear it down


Do not mess with this Soviet guy. He can turn very aggresive.

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette

This sucks! What happens if the new version is not all that great.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.


JuddAS wrote:
**This sucks! What happens if the new version is not all that great.

Well, the current version is fine as it is, and we are damn lucky that we get such an improved update. Override SHOULD still be packaged with the new engine.

I mean, this is the 8th version of the original EV engine. There really isn't that much left to do or fix.

tear it down

I can hink of at least one thing that the EVO engine could use : Finishing the various plot lines. The way each of the major mission sequences end in a message saying something like : "Congratulations you have completed one of the major goals in EV Overide : The destabilization of the Crescent war. Now you can only wait to see what will become of the Crescent..." and similar enings for the exploration of the Nebulas, and the UE/Voinian war, and I think with the renegades set as well. So they oviously built the missions to allow for expansion later on.

And what about that station out in Azdigari space that suposedly blocks the one stable hyperjump lin out beyond the Crescent. Does this smell like a futur mission series, perhaps from the Council (Note, there are no missions relating to this enigmatic govt. that i know of)? From what you can see from descriptions, the Council is a major power in the Crescent War, so why aren't there any missions from them?

I think that there will be a release for EVO that finishs these missions sets, or at least furthurs them in the near futur. Maybe as part of the touted 1.0.2?


I break things...

Lou whatever- I got the idea.

Mikee is, in a word or two, an ass. So is everyone. Just some people have their asses located in the normal location, and others talk through them.

And, the beta seriously rocks. Things like the Zidigar work, Azdara's are effective, ect.

I'm still pissed about the stupid Neutrons going a screen or two farther than my shots go..


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?


ColdFusion Wrote:

If it's a prank, it isn't especially funny. Just stupid.

It's NOT a prank.




I´m sure he can take a little joke, even though it´s bad)
Soviet mikee:
Can you?

I´m sure you can, cuz you seem like a nice guy....maby not, it realy was bad.

How do you make a signature(like "Made with Macintosh"), cuz I write it every time...
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh"