another beta



Matt Burch | "If it's not on fire, it's a software problem." | [
...---------------](<br />

Cooler and cooler 😄


lemme get this right:
you can purchase an outfit that alters the mission bits? and there's a shipAvailBit?? cool!!!!!

also, what's this flak weapon?

hehe, posted the update at 12:30 am 😉 my latest update like that was 3:30 am one time... but i got the damn thing done!!! oh, and that's not including the times i just didn't sleep. 😉

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

Kick ass! Hmm, secondary purposes for outifts, that could be interesting. 🙂 Flak weapons, any explantation? I'm guessing it's sorta like a shotgun- fires a burst of pellets. How do you set this decay rate for projectiles, or is it automatically figured out if you set a flag?
"Added support for fuel-scoop type outfits that drain fuel" Huh?
On the star graphics, did you change the pict for them, or how they worked?

Yeah, that's a fair number of questions.


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Flak weapons were actually my idea ( :)). Basically, there is a flag that makes the weapons explode as if they hit something at the end of their lifespan.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

Flak weapons! Yes! Finally, I can make decent spatial charges.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345


mburch wrote:



Very cool, all the new features are greatly appreciated by plug developers.. I was just curious, is there any possible way to include more ship slots? If so, that would be a final finishing touch to make EVO 1.0.2 one helluva cool upgrade. If not, we can finally put the issue to rest, permenently.

Also, you mention you fixed the 28 outfit slots without pict slots. Did you put them elsewhere, or just move the tiny picts back?

Finally, I've encountered a bug with 1.0.1 only, involving the holo-vid screen. It appears tiny, about an inch by and inch long, with the graphics scrambled. It's probably because I'm using an older machine (OS 7.6.1) but it works fine with 1.0.0.



Skunko7 wrote:
Flak weapons were actually my idea ( :)). Basically, there is a flag that makes the weapons explode as if they hit something at the end of their lifespan.

um, don't missles do that anyway? so they make a bigger explosion i'm assuming?

with the smoke trail idea - make the forklift look old and beat up - it's gotta smoke field behind it it's so bad! uhh, forklifts run on propane. nevermind. i'm guessing the smoketrails aren't volumetric open gl rendered smoke trails?? they're just sprites?

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

Some weapons have an explosion sprite at the end of their lifespan, but none will explode at the end, currently.

It's like when it dies, it hits an invisibil ship. If there's big impact/proxy/damadge, it'll hurt ships around it.

As for the smoke, currently it's a these thingys in a cian resource.

When Matt added the 8 variations, he might have made it a dfferant method.


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?