Trouble With Jump Speed

I'm trying to beat a Zidigar mission that has a time limit. The problem is even if I don't stop ever I can't make it in time. Probably because I'm in a U.E. Cruiser. I tried downloading the quickjump plug-in but it doesn't decrease the jump time. Is there any way I can complete this mission short of buying a new ship?


Apex wrote:
Is there any way I can complete this mission short of buying a new ship?


OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

The chance if you being Bill Gates is 1 in about 6,000,000,000.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Apex wrote:
Is there any way I can complete this mission short of buying a new ship?


Andrew M wrote:

Andrew is not technically correct - you don't have to "buy" a ship - just capture one and switch places. That is how I solved the same mission problem, capture an Arada, switch places, finish the mission, then High Tail back to UE space to buy a replacement Cruiser. But I then had a UE Cruiser escort, granted it was a stock unit (not my heavily modified one) but with 2 UE Cruisers and 2 - 4 Azdgari Warships I did not worry about too many foes.


Where do you guys get all money from?
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"



Shadow wrote:
Where do you guys get all money from?

Just do a bunch of government missions in combination with boarding a sh*t load of ships, and stealing money.

Micah L (Aeon Productions) , (url="http://"")

If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"<<

I think it's more like "Made by a smart dood with a macintosh" cause last I checked...computers don't make software, people do. :p:P:P:P:P:P:P:P


What ever. Are you sooooooooooooo stupid I have to change it to "Made WITH Macintosh". No offence, just kiddin.
If it´s quality software you can read "Made F**KING WITH NOT BY!!!! Macintosh".
