what is the farthest anyone has gotten "RESPOND"

I recently started playing and i am wondering what the farthest point of advance is in the game and where people are at this point


There is no point, no finish, no end. Alot of us here have been playing EV and EVO for years.. beating every mission... flying every ship...

My 'furthest pilot' had 6 Voinian dreadnought escorts and a Dreadnought (later Igadzra) for himself. I crushed Voinian, Zidagar and Agadzra space... renegades too 😃
Completing the Iggy, Emalgha & UE, Miranu and exploration missions... and damn near anything else I could do within the limit of the completion bit limitations.

tear it down


Soviet mikee wrote:
Completing the Iggy, Emalgha & UE, Miranu and exploration missions... and damn near anything else I could do within the limit of the completion bit limitations.


Been there, done that. Wonder if there are some smaller mission strings i didn't complete...


The Independent Government needs you in the uEVO RPG!




Thimoty wrote:
**Been there, done that. Wonder if there are some smaller mission strings i didn't complete...


There's lots of 'em. Even more fun to do the missions with suckie ships 😃

tear it down

The farthest I've gotten is oh nebula exploration mission string. YOU try defeating an Igazra in a pretty much stock Miranu Freighter! Then my Crescent Warship, the U.E.S. Armageddon, got trapped in the middle of the Proxima nebula (this was before I knew anything about plug-ins.)

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-07-2000).)


Soviet mikee wrote:
**There is no point, no finish, no end. Alot of us here have been playing EV and EVO for years.. beating every mission... flying every ship...

My 'furthest pilot' had 6 Voinian dreadnought escorts and a Dreadnought (later Igadzra) for himself. I crushed Voinian, Zidagar and Agadzra space... renegades too 😃
Completing the Iggy, Emalgha & UE, Miranu and exploration missions... and damn near anything else I could do within the limit of the completion bit limitations.


What are the major objectives in stadured EVO? and how can you exsplor and hopeful colinize the worlds?? I am hopeing to make the Federation the biggest group of all. Also is there anyway you can totaly analite the Valians, then go after the Emalgha? and so on??? them pesky dues tick me off and would be funner than hel to stomp them pout and have my fave nation take them over.

Also I have made the Igazi win. who can I help next?