A great idea thought of long ago.

WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH AMBROSIA? Can't they see that EV was far and above anything they had ever made, or have made since? Why can't they focus on it, making an internet multiplayer and arena function? I don't know about you, but I would LOVE to fly by my friend's ship, hail it, then blast the crap out of it!

#29 on the Periodic Table

When did Ambrosia say they weren't?????

If you notice "Ambrosia" doesn't usually work on one project on a time...
I think most of their programers work on their own projects and get help from a few people.

tear it down

yeah, EV and EVO rocks, and they should do more work on it...but some people actually like role playing games like cythera (but thats beyond me) 😛



Whurp wrote:
**yeah, EV and EVO rocks, and they should do more work on it...but some people actually like role playing games like cythera (but thats beyond me):p


EV/EVO Rock! They are the best AmbrosiaSW games, Cythera is a piece of SH!T RPG, Exile III by SpidWeb SW is much better.

There's my two $'s

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

Yes, EV and EVO do rock, but a multiplayer game isn't the easiest thing to make. The main problem is working on an EVMP plus doing work on other things. Besides, from what I can remember andrew saying, Snapz Pro II is their most profitable application, and Maelstrom has sold the most copies. As for people's opinion of non-quality games. If they've sold at least one copy, it is therefore liked by one person regardless of anyone else's opinion. People post to the board, so therefore play the game (At least it's logical). Now, imagine yourself on their side. They may not like EVO.

Micah L (Aeon Productions) , (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com

One of the oddest durn things...


"Our best game of all time!"

I'm afriad that sez it all ladies and gents.

"Draw Steel!"


BackSTABa, PLEASE ExileIII! Come with some thing better. Dosn´t any of you guys like RPG, like Fallout, one of the best games ever made (Now, someone is doomed to come with a PLEASE reply to me!). I love EV/EVO (I own them both, don´t we all). I agree, they should spend more time with these two games, like make for ex. EV Meltdown (or some cool name).
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"


Holy crap. Ferazal is a side scrolling shooter? Jeez, why didn't they sell it for the NES too? That's horrible. A side scrolling shooter? I feel sick now
