EV 1.0.6?

Well I was thinking, with all the exitement over EVO 1.0.2, why don't they take the old EV, apply all the new fixes and changes to it, and then release 1.0.6?

Thank you for your time.

#29 on the Periodic Table

EVO 1.0.2 is technically the EV 1.0.8 engine, I think that answers your question.

Also, I just released Override: EV 1.0.0ß1, an adaption of EV to EVO. (url="http://"ftp://ftp.blackrockmac.com/pub/corusoft/uploads/override_ev")ftp://ftp.blackrockm...ads/override_ev(/url)

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-02-2000).)

I suggested that to Andrew W. a while back, he suggested people use the EV plug for EVO. I said it would look more official if they updated the EV engine to EVO's. He didn't respond to that. Oh well.

Reasons to update EV.
-Better plot line.
-People can use the new features in plugs for EV.
-Better graphics
-people won't have to download 5 megs of stuff to play EV with the updated engine.
-and a few others that don't come to mind.


P.S. Don't start a big chain of EV vs. EVO here.

Yes, I think it is very unfair that people who HATE EVO have to cough up $15 for an update to an engine. I mean... why should EVO fans get a better engine because it's more recent?

tear it down


Chamrin wrote:
Reasons to update EV.
-Better plot line.

— EVO's more detailed, and otherwise better. Though according to Martin Turner, if you were brought up on Asimov's Foundation series and some other thing, you're more used to EV's plot, and is you were brought up on B5/ST, you're more used to EVO's.

-People can use the new features in plugs for EV.
— I agree with you on that

-Better graphics
— Ha! They're just simple polygons with flat extrusions for the wings! at least the EVO graphics have some modeling put into them

-people won't have to download 5 megs of stuff to play EV with the
updated engine.

— My plug's only 3 megs to download, 7 megs uncompressed.:p

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-04-2000).)


Andrew M wrote:
**EVO 1.0.2 is technically the EV 1.0.8 engine, I think that answers your question.

Also, I just released Override: EV 1.0.0ß1, an adaption of EV to EVO. ftp://ftp.blackrockmac.com/pub/corusoft/u...ads/override_ev

EVO 1.0.2 is like EV 1.0.8 engine? How did EV go from 1.0.5 to 1.0.8 in your mind??



Ace McCloud wrote:
**EVO 1.0.2 is like EV 1.0.8 engine? How did EV go from 1.0.5 to 1.0.8 in your mind??

Let's see - EVO 1.0.0 was EV 1.0.6, EVO 1.0.1 was EV 1.0.7, thus EVO 1.0.2 is EV 1.0.8.

"This evening's meeting of the Clairvoyance Society canceled due to unforeseen circumstances."
-More Anguished English