EV vs. EVO

I saw that more poeple liked EVO in more than EV in a vote-thingy made by AmbrosiaSW. Personally, I like EV so much more than EVO, because it is so easy to get the feeling of the game. EVO has amuch larger universe in which you'll have to have studdied EVO for at least a few years to find small "jokes" in the planet descriptions. In EV, they are quite obvious. Further more, I don't see why the EVO universe is so big in the first place. In stead of creating a gigantic plug-in for EV, I think Ambrosia should have upgraded EV a lot. They could have kept the universe, but expanded it and creating new mission interface where the missions could have different outcomes, depending on the players descissions. Therefore: I ask you hardcore EVO fans this: What is so much better about EVO than some of the big plugins for EV?


"...A bug came through an open Window..."

Let's see . . .
If Ambrosia had merely updated EV, it would be EV 1.0.6, right? And once an official scenario is completed, it's never majorly changed in the way you speak of; Ambrosia uses totally new scenarios for new engines.

EVO's story is much more epic and sophisticated and has much more closure than EV's does; EV just leaves you hanging.

And of course, the EVO engine is rather enhanced over EV's.

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

I never can get used to EVO. The sounds are different, the pictures are different, everything is different. It just doesn't feel right. But EVO does have a better engine, I'll give it that much credit. And there is a plug that lets you play EV on EVO. As for the missions leaving you hanging in EV, there are plugis for that. Such as my plug-in, Satori Station, which adds 15 new missions after the rebel alien missions. It's done, I just have to get a final answer from my beta testers before it's released.

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-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost


AdmBlastaway wrote:

**What is so much better about EVO than some of the big plugins for EV?


Depends on the plug. Some suck, some are good. Most(big ev plugs) are better than EVO in my opinion.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost

I like EV a bit better becuse it seems like more thought went into the planets, missions, story, etc. Also, the engine was designed for the EV story line, so some things get messed up in EVO. For example, how come you can get the United Earth newscast in bars on the other side of the galaxy where they've never heard of humans?

#29 on the Periodic Table

Why not seperate the EVO engine from the EVO scenario? If you did that you would realize that, a, you could just use any plugin made for EV or EVO with either one (like with FH, and preferably with EVO, because it has the most compatibility). b, the engine for EVO is MUCH better, both in bug fixes, as well as enhancements (try to edit the message when you eject from your ship in EV). c, anything that doesn't fit in EVO, such as messages that appear in the news on alien planets, wouldnt fit in EITHER engine running any plug that has similar circumstances, but EVO would still come out on top because more stuff is editable (ejection messages again, as well as some other stuff).

Frankly, I dont see why Ambrosia treats EV as a seperate game, because it really should be an engine update with a second rate scenario added in, to be fair to all of us who bought EV and now have to buy EVO. EV's scenario, whatever you can say about its simplicity and bugs (I usually play as both the Rebels AND the Confeds in the same pilot), is still the worse just because it was made for the first release, which didnt include half the stuff we now take for granted in a scenario.


COpperman wrote:
**I like EV a bit better becuse it seems like more thought went into the planets, missions, story, etc. Also, the engine was designed for the EV story line, so some things get messed up in EVO. For example, how come you can get the United Earth newscast in bars on the other side of the galaxy where they've never heard of humans?

I'd say rather less thought went into EV's story - ragtag rebels versus a huge oppressive government? How original

The reason UE news is around in Azdgari space is told right on the holovid - "broadcasting to all mankind, and beyond " I suppose news gets around through diplomatic channels.

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

Personaly, I like EVO better than origonal EV. My reason? Well mainly because the realisim factor is a lot higher (in the origonal EV, a civillian fighter like a Lighting could take on three Confed Patrol ships and still come out on top. Not what I would call realistic.) the expanadability is greater (you can add more Alien races to EVO without majorly tweeking the story line) and you can side with more than just two sides (the fact that there are three main wars and several smaller ones are a bonus. Rather than just having the Confed/Rebel war, they have the Strand war, Human/Voinian war, and the Zachit/Renagade war.) All in all, I just like EVO better than EV.

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are cruchy and taste good with catsup.

Yeah, but ASW could have upgraded EV a lot more than they did in EVO. They could have continiued the story instead of making an all new storyline. They could have made an all new game!

"..A bug came through an open Window..."

Why does one story have to be 'better' than another?

If you were brought up on Babylon 5, then EVO is more like what you're used to because of the different alien races.

If you were brought up on Blake's 7, and Asimov's Foundation series, than EV is more what you're used to.

Definitely the EVO engine is better. Definitely EV has a higher number of high quality plugins -- and it had a lot more plugins more quickly than EVO did, which would suggest that, despite what some say, EV is easier to develop for.

My 2 English pence.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Martin Turner wrote:
**If you were brought up on Babylon 5, then EVO is more like what you're used to because of the different alien races.

If you were brought up on Blake's 7, and Asimov's Foundation series, than EV is more what you're used to.**

I'm brought up on Star Trek. 😛

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


AdmBlastaway wrote:
Yeah, but ASW could have upgraded EV a lot more than they did in EVO. They could have continiued the story instead of making an all new storyline. They could have made an all new game!

Er EV's story sucks, and ASW did not make the story for EVO, which was designed for EV 1.0.6, and made by Peter Cartwrite (sp?), which became EVO 1.0.0. 1.0.2 is technically the EV 1.0.8 engine, and (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum8/HTML/000445.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000445.html(/url)

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-03-2000).)


AdmBlastaway wrote:
**Yeah, but ASW could have upgraded EV a lot more than they did in EVO. They could have continiued the story instead of making an all new storyline. They could have made an all new game!

They did make an all new game.

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...


Servack wrote:
**...in the origonal EV, a civillian fighter like a Lighting could take on three Confed Patrol ships and still come out on top. Not what I would call realistic...

First of all, the patrol ship sucks. I can beat 3 in a defender. It all depends on how good the human pilot is. Ankh Starrunner destroyed a Voinian Dreadnought in a Krait :p.

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette


Bozorg wrote:
**Ankh Starrunner destroyed a Voinian Dreadnought in a Krait:p.

Impossible. The Dreadnought's shields recharge faster than the Krait can hurt them.

I like EVO better. It has a better storyline, better engine, and you can have more missions. The ONLY thing wrong with EVO is the pathetic graphics and sounds.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.


ColdFusion wrote:
If Ambrosia had merely updated EV, it would be EV 1.0.6, right? And once an official scenario is completed, it's never majorly changed in the way you speak of; Ambrosia uses totally new scenarios for new engines.

EVO's story is much more epic and sophisticated and has much more closure than EV's does; EV just leaves you hanging.

And of course, the EVO engine is rather enhanced over EV's.

EVO's engine isn't all that advanced over EV, it adds movies and a few new fields, and the jammer, and seeker fields, but thats about all. EVO 1.02 will be a bigger update to the engine than EVO was to EV.

As for my choice, EV has better grahics, sounds, and storyline. I'm a starwars fan, so I notice all the similarities between EV and SW. 😉
But EVO does have the better engine, what Ambrosia should do is just update EV's engine with EVO's 1.02 engine and call it EV 1.06. That would make everyone happy.


I think EVO is far better than EV, it's got a more advanced engine, and more governments etc. But I must admit, the graphics and sounds do suck.

E-mail: (url="http://"mailto:zac@v-west.in2home.co.uk")mailto:zac@v-west.in2home.co.uk(/url)zac@v-west.in2home.co.uk


Maridian wrote:
**Impossible. The Dreadnought's shields recharge faster than the Krait can hurt them.

What makes you think that?


"Cannibals are people to."

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Maridian wrote:
Impossible. The Dreadnought's shields recharge faster than the Krait can hurt them.


It all depends on how good the human pilot is.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Chamrin wrote:
As for my choice, EV has better grahics, sounds, and storyline. I'm a starwars fan, so I notice all the similarities between EV and SW.;)
But EVO does have the better engine, what Ambrosia should do is just update EV's engine with EVO's 1.02 engine and call it EV 1.06. That would make everyone happy.

Some points:(list)
()True, EV does have better graphics - sometimes. When you can still see the old untextured sprites, though :frown:
)Sounds? No big difference - I'd say they're about the same. I do prefer blaze cannon over lasers, though.
()Storyline? What storyline? EV's storyline as in the game itself is pretty awful - corny, no major changes wrought as a result of missions, etc. EVO's storyline is bigger and rather more sophisticated. However, EV has the better plugins.
)Er, Ambrosia won't update EV - EV is a dead game. They might release 1.0.2 with an all new scenario, though.

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

(This message has been edited by ColdFusion (edited 04-04-2000).)