Res-Edit probs

you know the 'intro text' as called by EV-Edit, the part where you say yes or no to a mission, where is that in Res-edit????



Ummmm in the DESC.

Try downloading the EVO bible AND getting the Calc formula thingie....

tear it down


dude5432 wrote:
**you know the 'intro text' as called by EV-Edit, the part where you say yes or no to a mission, where is that in Res-edit????


Well, actually it's not in ResEdit at all 🙂

The mission offer texts are 'dësc' resources ( all the mission text is in descs), so if you want to make a new one in ResEdit, you create a new resource and select "dësc' as the resource type. The offer texts for existing missions can be found in the 'desc' resource in the EV Data or Override Data 1 files with ID numbers starting at 4000.

Missions can require as many as 7 descs, each in a separate ID# range. It would be areally good idea to get the EV/EVO Bible, the Beginners' Guide to ResEdit, EV Objects Formulas, and EV Formula Calc before you go much farther - they can save you much trouble.
