What happened to the old EVO page?

what happened to the old EVO page? Personally, I liked it better. So, if anyone does know the URL of the page please give it to me



xxnashxx wrote:
**what happened to the old EVO page? Personally, I liked it better. So, if anyone does know the URL of the page please give it to me

Right now it's gone. I thought I heard CS say something about redoing it on Jericon's oxy-soft server though, but I can't remember much about that.

Micah L , (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com

It's gone forever. Personally, I thought it was mediocre, it never got updated, and didn't allow for user interaction (look at the Newswire and Chronicles).

"Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
-my Spanish teacher

Yeah I know it sucks.
Both the EV and EVO pages should have stayed. Why when you go to (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com")www.escape-velocity.com(/url) are you taken away to the Ambrosia sever and to the EVO site? I'm not a part of this EVer versus EVOer war that seems to have developed, but when this sort of stupid thing happens with the EV Websites (EV/O) are taken away from there designated homes you've got to wonder, do they really give a hoot?
I hated the old EVO site though, it was never updated (Nor was the EV one) and I actually submitted a plug that never reached the light properly. It was a teaser of another plug I've got in the works called Kelmaon Galaxy Jumpers, all the teaser (Kelmaon: Jump Link) did was add the dead planets of the Kelmaon people and their systems making a great trade route across the galaxy and cutting down the nessicary time to get from race to race down considerably. If you're interested email me or cheak out the Outpost Beta website <<www.geocities.com/outpost_beta>>. I might remember to upload it soon. If not leave me a line at dreadnought@angelfire.com, I'll get back to ASAP (but that time varies somewhat as to when I can check it).


Could Somebody Dim The Sun? It's Too Bright

The EV websites have just been mucked up completely by AmbrosiaSW.

Please take the camel off the table - C.A.

No, Ambrosia FIXED the EV websites - they're concise and elegant, with a load of great features that were never on the old site. Ambrosia has re-integrated the EV & EVO websites into the ambrosiasw.com site, and now Ambrosia actually pays attention to the goings-on here. Can't you appreciate that Andrew Welch took the time to update the website into a new format?

The old site is gone. Don't ask for it back - because what we have now is great (even compared to the old site).

"Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
-my Spanish teacher

I'm glad that Ambrosia is paying attention to our site now, but I still think that (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com")www.escape-velocity.com(/url) should be running and not the intergrated Ambrosia site. And the fact that when you enter (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com")www.escape-velocity.com(/url) it goes to the Override site is just stupid. It should either go to the EV one or to a central Escape Velocity (In General) site where you can then choose which area you want to visit (EV/O).

Just my opinon, you don't need to agree.

Could Somebody Dim The Sun? It's Too Bright


ColdFusion wrote:
**No, Ambrosia FIXED the EV websites - they're concise and elegant, with a load of great features that were never on the old site. Ambrosia has re-integrated the EV & EVO websites into the ambrosiasw.com site, and now Ambrosia actually pays attention to the goings-on here. Can't you appreciate that Andrew Welch took the time to update the website into a new format?

The old site is gone. Don't ask for it back - because what we have now is great (even compared to the old site).

To bad that's a load of crap. Where is the chat section?... I don't see any mention of #ev

Where are the ship specs?

What about the outfit section?
Alot of ****ing work went into these... soon after... andrew pulled them

What about the map that was near completion?
All those trade routes, government info and advice... all gone
He erased ALL the old links

Yea... much better.. no community, no information... how wunderbar

Sure, it's his... he also put alot of time into it... but my parents spent 19 years working on me too, yet they would be arrested for killing me...
tear it down

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 03-31-2000).)


Soviet mikee wrote:
**To bad that's a load of crap. Where is the chat section?... I don't see any mention of #ev

Where are the ship specs?

What about the outfit section?
Alot of ****ing work went into these... soon after... andrew pulled them

What about the map that was near completion?
All those trade routes, government info and advice... all gone
He erased ALL the old links

Yea... much better.. no community, no information... how wunderbar

Sure, it's his... he also put alot of time into it... but my parents spent 19 years working on me too, yet they would be arrested for killing me...**

Let's see - Ambrosia's Hotline server has a chat feature, doesn't it?

There was one page of ship specs (for EVO). After 2 years of having the EVO site.

The outfits page was never finished for EVO. And a lot of work? You can make an outfits guide in 15 minutes.

There's a web board for a reason - so new players can ask advice from veterans about govts, trade routes, etc.

Community? We've got plenty of community - plenty of new people and oldies coming back.

And don't even think of comparing a carbon-based unit with digital bits. Ambrosia is taking a interest in us, at least, and the site we have isn't bad.

"Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
-my Spanish teacher

I wasn't saying there wasn't a chat FEATURE, the fact that it is not listed anywhere was my point.

Again, alot of that stuff WAS being updated and HAD been updated and then erased...

tear it down

I agreee with several of you that the old EV and EVO site was very good. It always had great loading times (unlike the ambrosia server) and was decent, without being graphics heavy. personally, I liked the EV page of about 2-3 years ago over the last two before this ambrosia one.

As for this current one we have, all I ask is one thing. PLEASE make the default backround straight black, instead of the white/beige Ambrosia colours. (I am convinced that the suposedly back blackround is being treated as an overalayed colour that is laded after the main backround) I think it would make the site appear to load faster (and probably would load faster without having an overlay as well as backround), since you don't have these sploches of bright colour that don't match either the EV/O theme, or the EV/O web page constantly shrinking.



Zitchas wrote:
It always had great loading times (unlike the ambrosia server) and was decent, without being graphics heavy.

escape-velocity.com was ON the AmbrosiaSW server (janus.ambrosiasw.com), and it was EXTREMELY graphics intensive.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 03-31-2000).)


Andrew M wrote:
**escape-velocity.com was ON the AmbrosiaSW server (janus.ambrosiasw.com), and it was EXTREMELY graphics intensive.

OK, regardless of how much graphics there appeared to be on it, it loaded faster, and looked like it loaded faster than this current page. And I still believe thta they should eliminate the default white and beige sripes backround. It makes the EV/O web sites look awfull.



Zitchas wrote:
OK, regardless of how much graphics there appeared to be on it, it loaded faster, and looked like it loaded faster than this current page.

T1 lines/whatever janus.AmbrosiaSW.com is on have limits, and people are realizing that AmbrosiaSW EXISTS. Not as many knew about ASW when all the products had their own domain names

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


ColdFusion wrote:
Let's see - Ambrosia's Hotline server has a chat feature, doesn't it?

Er ALL Hotline servers have chat, so it's not a 'feature'.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


Andrew M wrote:
**Er ALL Hotline servers have chat, so it's not a 'feature'.

I meant that Ambrosia does offer a chat capability. Only problem is, no one ever goes to hotline.ambrosiasw.com

Hey, if you wanna chat, I'll hang around Ambrosia's hotline server at sometime between 8-11 PM EST.

"Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
-my Spanish teacher

Let's see - Ambrosia's Hotline server has a chat feature, doesn't it?

since ambrosia had its homepage renovated...i cant find the link to the hotline server

There was one page of ship specs (for EVO). After 2 years of having the EVO site.

and now they're gone

The outfits page was never finished for EVO. And a lot of work? You can make an outfits guide in 15 minutes.

yeah, but they have other things to do than just work on the outfits section

There's a web board for a reason - so new players can ask advice from veterans about govts, trade routes, etc.

yeah, so why did they hafta tear the whole old one down?

Community? We've got plenty of community - plenty of new people and oldies coming back.

and leaving, jeremy woodruf aka whiteshadow just left...

And don't even think of comparing a carbon-based unit with digital bits. Ambrosia is taking a interest in us, at least, and the site we have isn't bad.

it isnt bad, but they could've still just made the old one better :mad:


(This message has been edited by Whurp (edited 04-01-2000).)

The link to the Ambrosia hotline server is so simple, you'll feel a strange need to pound your forehead on your keyboard - hotline.ambrosiasw.com.

As for ship specs, there's already plenty of third-party guides - and you can always ask around. Same goes with outfits - and the current EV/O sites are product pages, not informational websites (though in some ways, that's bad).

For your fourth point, I'll give the official Ambrosia response - the old board was buggy, non Y2K compliant, full of security holes, and just getting old anyway.

Some people have left - some have returned. Check out Blazer's web board if you feel a terrible need to commune with oldies.

Tell me how you could have improved the mess that the old site was - force Scurvy to update it? Ambrosia has re-integrated EV into the ASW collective - and that means changes. If you can't accept that, go complain somewhere else.

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

I think the old site was better, if they had updated instead of doing this site. I mean why not just put this web board on the old site, it was much easier to find what you wanted. Any one agree? And why is this "EV-EVO war" going on. It´s the same game, nearly, just another bigger universe. I bought both, you shuld do it, and I don´t see any BIG difference.

PS-You should buy them as I did, suport Ambrosia, it is SO cheap.
"Your Password", is that your registration number/code?
It´s kind of irritating to be marked as "unregistred" when I am registred.

Please folks, use the "reply" button a little bit more!
If it´s quality software you can read "Made by Macintosh"
