Sorry, no one announced any MP last night....

Not that there is NOT going to be one... or WILL be one for that matter...

tear it down

A special thanks to everyone who kept their mouth shut 😃

Or played along 😉

tear it down


Soviet mikee wrote:
**Sorry, no one announced any MP last night....

Not that there is NOT going to be one... or WILL be one for that matter...



Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon

You don't say 'April Fools' on any day except for 4/1. 😛

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

AM, get the chip off your shoulder already.

Mikee was just posting that his April Fools joke was really a joke just in case some insane person came in and blew up the world because he finally realized an EVMP had come true...

Really, stop ragging on Mikee after all of his posts, it gets annoying and redundant.


Reasons why the UE and Voinians hate each other...
€Voinians prefer SPAM, while the UE likes SPAM light....
€The heads of both governments were trying to figure out which wife was
€Tomato, Tom'aaa'to, is there a difference? Aparantly so...
€Two Voinians accused the UE of using IBM computers...
€A UE Cruiser accidentally blew up a Voinian planet...
€Two words: name calling

Your Welcome. 😉

My Friend's great or bad sites

You know, mikee, it would have been nice you had done an April Fools prank that was funny , not this kind of cruel trick that isn't humorous except for the prankster.

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.


Captain Scurvy wrote:
**..Really, stop ragging on Mikee after all of his posts, it gets annoying and redundant.


As if mikee's posts are not annoying and redundant.



ColdFusion wrote:
**You know, mikee, it would have been nice you had done an April Fools prank that was funny , not this kind of cruel trick that isn't humorous except for the prankster.

Amen to that.
But did anyone honestly expect anything better from mikee?



Captain Scurvy wrote:
AM, get the chip off your shoulder already.

What chip? Oh! That one can't, it's hardwired to my brain. 🙂

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

Alright, let this be my statement that I don't like what Mikee does most of the time, but have you ever talked to him on IM and such? If you get into a good discussion, you'll find that he really isn't evil and set on destroying the boards and making everyone's lives miserable. He's just another person you have to get along with.

But bitching and moaning about it isn't going to help.

CF: It wasn't a cruel joke, and it wasn't just funny to him. I thought it was funny as well, perhaps thats because I'm looking at it from a different perspective, and perhaps you didn't realize but AW and MB were also doing the same thing in IRC, so there was some truth to what he said.

Oh, and I like how your sig just completely screws the point you were trying to make (I take offense to people who decide to use the first ammendment in a funny way). It's just jokes, get over it.

JB: Same point essentially.


Reasons why the UE and Voinians hate each other...
€Voinians prefer SPAM, while the UE likes SPAM light....
€The heads of both governments were trying to figure out which wife was
€Tomato, Tom'aaa'to, is there a difference? Aparantly so...
€Two Voinians accused the UE of using IBM computers...
€A UE Cruiser accidentally blew up a Voinian planet...
€Two words: name calling


Captain Scurvy wrote:
**CF: It wasn't a cruel joke, and it wasn't just funny to him. I thought it was funny as well, perhaps thats because I'm looking at it from a different perspective, and perhaps you didn't realize but AW and MB were also doing the same thing in IRC, so there was some truth to what he said.

Oh, and I like how your sig just completely screws the point you were trying to make (I take offense to people who decide to use the first ammendment in a funny way). It's just jokes, get over it.

It wasn't evil, but it certainly wasn't funny.
How does my sig contradict my point? I thought that my sig was just a clever statement and I couldn't find my copy of Anguished English to pull mixed metaphors out of.

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

Actually I thought it was more INTERESTING than just funny. Probably the greatest reason I said it was to just see what people would say.

But I think it was more about timing than anything...

tear it down

Hooo boy, CF and Scurvy.... MEOWRRRR! HSSS! j/k 😉

---<< Ä„ Secret Chimp ! >>---

AIM: Kroffus T Snail

Myth II: Secret Chimp M•A•C

"I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot the dep-u-teeee"--Bob Marley, mon

Also, a lot of April Fools gags are incredibly cruel. I would love for someone to explain how convincing someone they just won $10 million... and then later telling them "April Fools" is funny..... its only good for the reaction and laughter of the prankster... and those in it 😉

tear it down

"April Fo..BOOM!"


mikee, the fact that you posted on april fools makes it undoubtedly clear that you were joking...next time try to actually decieve us


Who cares? It's a joke. Don't like the joke, DON'T READ THE JOKE. It's not hard.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

(This message has been edited by BackSTABa (edited 04-04-2000).)


Whurp wrote:
**mikee, the fact that you posted on april fools makes it undoubtedly clear that you were joking...next time try to actually decieve us

I posted "April Fools" AFTER April first. Had I let it continue that would be just plan lying.... not just having fun on April 1 😉

tear it down