Anna B and the Frozen Heart Plugin

Where is Anna B in the mission where you find her from the Renegade fleet?

In addition, How do i activate the Frozen Heart Plugin? Where is Thallos? (plugins never work for me Dab nabbit!) What exactly do i do with QuickTime? My OS is 8.1, if that helps. step-by-step instructions on activating plugins would be greatly appreciated

Go Giants!

(This message has been edited by Hawkeye (edited 04-01-2000).)


Hawkeye wrote:
**Where is Anna B in the mission where you find her from the Renegade fleet?

In addition, How do i activate the Frozen Heart Plugin? Where is Thallos? (plugins never work for me Dab nabbit!) What exactly do i do with QuickTime? My OS is 8.1, if that helps. step-by-step instructions on activating plugins would be greatly appreciated

Go Giants!**

ok, the anna balishova mission is somewhere in central UE not going to tell you where because that would ruin the fun. as for plugins, simply drop the plug into your EV plugins folder inside the EV game folder...the frozen heart plug has a small readme that comes with it describing how and what to put where...i personally didnt like that plug but its all opinion 😉


I cagree with you completly, Whurp. Frozen Heart IS a pretty bad plug. (that's just my tase, folks. Don't chew my head off).

I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.

Exactly what didn't you like about it?

I am currently working on version 2 and would welcome your feedback.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Martin Turner wrote:
**Exactly what didn't you like about it?

I am currently working on version 2 and would welcome your feedback.**

Eh, just chew his head off. 😉 What I didn't like about it is that it takes forever just to earn the money for a Snow Goose.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch