After taking that Emalgha guy to his home world???

After Taking that Emalgha guy to his home world, I havn't been able to find the next mission AT ALL!!!!!.... I've looked everywhere. When I left him there he said something about finding someone to help him blow up the outpost to save his people but, so far I havn't found anything at all!!!!!!!!! HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.

When people think you're dying, they listen, instead of waiting for their turn to speak.

Our fathers were our models for God. If they bailed, what does that tell you about God

-Tyler Derdin

Contact the famous UE naval commander d'Erlon. Now, all you have to do is find him

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

Look, I know you'd rather have the answer straight out. D'erlon, the guy you have to find, is on Outpost Gamma, the lowest UE frontier outpost. Go there.

#29 on the Periodic Table

Thankx for the help :-). now I can WIN!!!!!! hehe

It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.

When people think you're dying, they listen, instead of waiting for their turn to speak.

Our fathers were our models for God. If they bailed, what does that tell you about God

-Tyler Derdin