Hurrah! EV will be in multiplayer soon!....

T = Ethernet connection

ATMOS is a "future" software company who is currently working on their flagship project 'NOVA'. NOVA is a new EV universe with over 500 systems... as opposed to 350-400 default systems of EVO.

It also adds much more resources than EVO did.


Got it? 😃


Look the only reason I said my connection was as fast as a T1 line is because I had something to back it up with. Want to test your true connection go to (url="http://"") 😛

My Friend's great or bad sites (url="http://"") (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Avenger (edited 04-01-2000).)

Bigger is not always better, New Horizons was huge, but wasn't all that good. Several have attempted to make monstrous plugs/replacement scenarios, and ended up churning out things that weren't all that good. Personally, I've found that very few large plugs/scenarios to be all that great, the only ones that come to mind at all are EVGE and Pale, simply because what was in it had a purpose, and didn't try to see just how huge they could make it. Just because you can put a certain number of recourses into it doesn't mean you should.

As far as EVMP, I highly doubt that they'd tell one person about it before telling the public, since you're not that special. And if they wanted it leaked, they could've left that to a beta tester or two. Really stupid april fool's joke if you ask me.



Loki wrote:
**the only ones that come to mind at all are EVGE and Pale


empire, empire2 galactic scourge...they are also some other good ones for EV.



Loki wrote:
**the only ones that come to mind at all are EVGE and Pale


empire, empire2 galactic scourge...they are also some other good ones for EV.



Loki wrote:

= since you're not that special.

Says you 😛

tear it down


Andrew M wrote:
**so this is an April Fools joke? Is that what you're saying?

Yep, apparently someone with too much time on their hands noticed it was April Fools' Day...


Matt Burch | "If it's not on fire, it's a software problem." | [
...---------------](<br />


Whurp wrote:
empire, empire2 galactic scourge...they are also some other good ones for EV.

Actually, Galactic Scourge kinda sucked, at least it had SOME plot, don't know anything about Empire/2, and I agree with Loki that New Horizons sucked.

My ratings:


New Horizons; Graphics; terrible. Sounds; terrible. Plot; what plot?

Galactic Scourge; Graphics; very good. Sounds; average. Plot; bad.

Empire/2; I know nothing of the sort.

Quantumire; Graphics; sorta funky, in a bad way. Sounds; very good. Plot; poor.

Star Wars Special Edition; Graphics; excellent. Sounds; poor quality. Plot; almost none.

SW2 1.0.3; Graphics; excellent. Sounds; poor quality. Plot; horrible.

SW3; Graphics; OK. Sounds; poor quality. Plot; none.


Frozen Heart; Graphics; excellent. Sounds; excellent. Plot; excellent.

Femme Fatale; Graphics; excellent. Sounds; excellent. Plot; excellent.

SW2 1.0.3 for Override; see EV version, except full of bugs.

Star Trek Plug (hey, I have to say something about the plug I'm working on. :)); Graphics; Kwanza is the god of Mechanisto. Sounds; good. Plot; none as of yet.

Nova; looks good from screenshots, but I've yet to see it. 🙂

Now, rate plugs for yourself for a change. 😛

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

My room is a chaotic disaster area

Said from an IE5 user, sosumi.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
- Matt Burch


mburch wrote:
Yep, apparently someone with too much time on their hands noticed it was April Fools' Day...

grins My entire problem is that I'm caught in the chaos of being in between having a life and not having a life. 🙂 It feels like a black hole is ripping me apart at the seams.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

My room is a chaotic disaster area

Said from an IE5 user, sosumi.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
- Matt Burch

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-02-2000).)


Andrew M wrote:
**In case you haven't noticed, no one WANTS to download an 80 meg file.


I DO! Especially if its EVMP!!

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon


Andrew M wrote:
**I'm ****ing talking about the average person, dumbass. 80 meg file, avg d/l, 48000 b/s, time to finish: A few ****ing hours.

Great, now you got me ****ing swearing mindlessly. :mad:


In my day we started a download at night and when we got back the next morning and it still wasnt done we went on a vacation and then when we get back its finnaly done (im talking about 28.8) that was at least until I got a cable....

~If you find yourself trying to gather your thoughts ask yourself: 'How do you gather chaos...'


Vice Admiral Jon wrote:
I DO! Especially if its EVMP!!

Then you're insane.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.

"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch


Whurp wrote:
**cable does 150k/sec too...or is cable and T1 same thing? oh well, whats NOVA and ATMOS?

big difference here: 150K = 1500k... big K = kilo bytes , little = kili bits. so my connection is still 10x better!!

this whole evmp thing was an april fools day prank... well, some people bought it!! ha ha ha!!!


oh, and your little bandwidth test - i came up with 1600kbps which = 196.2Kbytes /sec which falls in the T1 category, fyi.

(This message has been edited by Robin (edited 04-02-2000).)


Whurp wrote:
**cable does 150k/sec too...or is cable and T1 same thing? oh well, whats NOVA and ATMOS?

Here's the whole story. Cable is capable of 500kbps to 2.5mbps. The only problem is that bandwidth is shared with neighbors so it's not always as fast as a T1. You should've seen me playing Quake at 3:00 yesterday, pretty laggy. A T1 can usually stay at 1.5mbps, so it's a little slower than cable's max, but more safe and reliable. DSL stays between 600kbps and 1mbps. The main problem with cable is security issues with nosy neighbors and reliability from your provider. D*mn, I wish we didn't need to get our's from Bresnan Communications (very unreliable) and could've gotten service from AT&T; instead. Anyways, all of this stuff comes from MacAddicts 43 and 45.

Micah L (Aeon Productions) , (url="http://"")