Hurrah! EV will be in multiplayer soon!....

Last night on #ev Matt Burch and Andrew Welch announced that the 1.0.2 engine (now currently in beta) will not be for only NOVA, -a fully functional EV game (EV, EVO, NOVA)- but will also be later packaged with EV and EVO!

You wanted a EVMP! Well... now you be getting THREE!

Stayed tuned folks, tomorrow everything will be explained in detail on the newswire 😃

tear it down

*gives mikee a piercing look * so this is an April Fools joke? Is that what you're saying?

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Ahhh, I must say I can't wait to see this.

I knew there would be some cool changes, but who could expect all of this.

Oh well, patience is a virtue, wonder how its going.


Well I sure don't believe this. Ambrosia NEVER wanted to make a multiplayer EV, and doesn't care about the game anymore (It wants ignore EV and dedicate itself to crappier games like Cythera and Ferazel's Wand. Ferazel's wand a commerical game? Give me a break.)

#29 on the Periodic Table


COpperman wrote:
(It wants ignore EV and dedicate itself to crappier games like Cythera and Ferazel's Wand. Ferazel's wand a commerical game? Give me a break.)

In case you haven't noticed, no one WANTS to download an 80 meg file.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Did you see the EV newswire survery a while back? "What would you think of an EVMP"

  1. I'd be the first to buy it
  2. Sounds cool
  3. I'd have to see it to believe it
  4. I'll stick with EV
  5. Its not possible so why try

What do you think andrew was trying to do? Last night I asked him why he was asking about it... turns out he couldn't decide whether to make it for just NOVA and EVO or NOVA, EVO and EV

I think he made the right decision 😉

tear it down

mikee: Are you aware of the date? I am. Therefore I can see right through your lie.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-01-2000).)


You don't pull April fools jokes towards the end of the day! Shesh!

I don't think andrew was pulling our leg last night. ESPECIALLY when we had talked about it a couple of times before... but rather cryptically.

What do you think is taking NOVA so long? They are working to make it for the MP engine! I think it will be until summer when EVO and EV are released.
I am more than confident that andrew and matt weren't BSing us 😉

tear it down

MAYBE I'd believe you if this were posted on any day but April 1st.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

if ev was going multiplayer, then why didnt i hear about it on the ambrosia website? i think that this is april fools joke...but hey, we can all dream 🙂 btw, what is NOVA?


(This message has been edited by Whurp (edited 04-01-2000).)

Umm because the newswire hasn't been written yet! Guess who gets the priv of that? 😃

I am going to ask for more details from andrew and ATMOS tonight!

tear it down

Dammit, I have some good 3D and 2D services to offer to EVMP...some guy who is making a spin off EVMP has me doing interface graphics...but if EVMP is real, I'd like to work on IT and not some spin off (sorry pal). Come on, hire me! EVMP will need to be constantly expanded with new sprites, etc.! I HAVE TOO MUCH FREE TIME WITH MY JOB AS A TELECOMMUTER AND NEED SOMETING TO DO. I can also create some pretty good music...Nova people, Ambrosia, com'n, a valuable resource is being wasted! I work for free! (Well, a free registration code might be in order nevermind). Email me at

"Do or do not. There is no try."

let's see, 80MB file, at an average d/l speed of 150+ K/sec, that sounds like ten or so minutes? yeah, yeah, yeah, i'm bragging about my T1 dorm connection.

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Robin wrote:
let's see, 80MB file, at an average d/l speed of 150+ K/sec, that sounds like ten or so minutes? yeah, yeah, yeah, i'm bragging about my T1 dorm connection.

I'm ****ing talking about the average person, dumbass. 80 meg file, avg d/l, 48000 b/s, time to finish: A few ****ing hours.

Great, now you got me ****ing swearing mindlessly. :mad:

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-01-2000).)

If I picture you saying that with help from your pic on the scapegoat topic in banter and brawl, you look really funny.

---<< Ä„ Secret Chimp ! >>---

AIM: Kroffus T Snail

Myth II: Secret Chimp M•A•C

"I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot the dep-u-teeee"--Bob Marley, mon

Who cares how long it will take to download. It is what we have been begging for for a looooong time. Robin don't feel to special I can download it in about the same time too only without the T1 line. It is called DSL and probably costs a fraction of what a T1 line costs. Hey UE crusader remember your topic "come an' have a go if your 'ard enough? Now we can prove it. Yeaaaaaaa!!!!

My Friend's great or bad sites

Actually in most cases students dont pay for T1 connections...

Or T3 like me for that matter 😃

tear it down


Secret Chimp wrote:
If I picture you saying that with help from your pic on the scapegoat topic in banter and brawl, you look really funny.

why do you think i block him on instant messenger? as for my T1 connection, i can download at over 300K/sec from servers like macromedia's, that OC3 infomac server i forget the name of, etc. and yeah, 350K's about the limit of my bandwidth 😉 faster than DSL? i think so!

about the side of NOVA, i asked the NOVA designer (forget his name) one time and he said the actual size was down around 25 or 50 i think.

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

Its 30MB I believe


cable does 150k/sec too...or is cable and T1 same thing? oh well, whats NOVA and ATMOS?
