What are the best races to side with?

I was wondering which of the races you would recommend siding with. Which of the cresent races have the best upgrades or ships. I am currently about to side with either the Zidara or the Azdgari. Which would you recommend. I would also like to know which ship would be the best choice as my final ship.

One more question...I know that in the game there is that gun/turret glich. Is there any plug-in out there that allows you to have the maximum amount of turrets/guns that is said in the ship info. If so, where can I find it. Thanks.


Well.... you see each have their own advantages. The Zidara is great if you want a VERY cheap, power ship that kicks ass... plus it has a fighter bay.

The Igadzra are good if you want the galaxies "Most powerful warship"

And the Agadzra are good MOSTLY if you want the IMHO best fighter. The warship is... blah...
However, if you take a Azdara (the fighter) and add a regular and experiment shield generator, 4 shield enhancers and 3 sw phase cannons... yea baby....

If you are a fairly decent pilot, an Azdara like that is unbeatable in UE space. I can sit infront of CARRIERS and just let them shot their little blaze fire that doesn't do jack.

May favorite combo is to side with the Agadzra, get an Azdara and then get RICH working for the Voinians. It's unbeatable in UE space.... so imagion what it is like against Emalghans evil grin

tear it down

I just completed that Anna missions. Do you think that the U.E. Cruiser would be a good choice as a ship. Or should I go with something from the cresent?


It's all preferance.... depends on your intentions...

tear it down


Soviet mikee wrote:
**It's all preferance.... depends on your intentions...


Very true..... the UE Cruiser is not a bad ship in Voinian space, and in Miranu and Zachit areas, but if you cross the wrong strand ship, a Zidara or an Igazra will make quick work of the shields and armor. So will a Cresent warship for that matter.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

Again it is all preference. I dislike the azdgara because I am not really into fighters. I perfer to just have my ship which I control rather than having fighters do the work for me. I like the izdgara a lot -- I would put that as my top choice. The zidara(sp?) are rather weak. They're great Al ships when they travel with three or four companions but by themselves I think they are rather weak.

"the best don't always


DaboliX wrote:
**Again it is all preference. I dislike the azdgara because I am not really into fighters. I perfer to just have my ship which I control rather than having fighters do the work for me. I like the izdgara a lot -- I would put that as my top choice. The zidara(sp?) are rather weak. They're great Al ships when they travel with three or four companions but by themselves I think they are rather weak.


Yea, but which is cheaper? An Igadzra or a FIVE Zidara fleeet?
I think the best way to look at the Strands is:

-Azdgari- for fighters (whether you like USING a fighter or like having them...)

-Igadzra- for warships (that is if you have 16 million lying around...)

-Zidagar- for light warships (if you want something inbetween a fighter and massive fat warship)

tear it down

The UE, Azdgari, Miranu, Emalgha, and the Renegades are fun.


It's worth it.


Apex wrote:
**I was wondering which of the races you would recommend siding with. Which of the cresent races have the best upgrades or ships. I am currently about to side with either the Zidara or the Azdgari. Which would you recommend. I would also like to know which ship would be the best choice as my final ship.

One more question...I know that in the game there is that gun/turret glich. Is there any plug-in out there that allows you to have the maximum amount of turrets/guns that is said in the ship info. If so, where can I find it. Thanks.

You should side with the Zidara, the prices are cheap and the ships are fast.


BackSTABa wrote:
but if you cross the wrong strand ship, a Zidara or an Igazra will make quick work of the shields and armor. So will a Cresent warship for that matter.


thats not true!! the phase cannons do squat against my bronev plating (well, i do get taken down eventually) 😛
