Opinions on Emalgha.... READ PLEASE =]

As anyone who has ever worked for the Emalgha knows, the Emalgha Freighter can be upgraded to a Warship. Unfortunatly you can't go to the bar and HIRE a warship.
I am adding two ships to the Emalgha in my plug, the Carrier and the Cruiser. The Cruiser is pretty much one ship, but the Carrier is a Freighter with the upgrade and a Emalgha Fighter Bay. I was thinking it might be a good idea to just SELL the carrier, rather than having the player build it. That way I could alter it a little more, adjusting acceleration, speed and a few other things. Also it would allow you to hire it in the bar.

So I thought maybe it would be a good idea to say that years later the warship and carrier evolved away from the freighter to where the three are built seperatly, rather than building a freighter and tweaking it. So now you can go and hire a freighter, carrier or warship. Sound good to anyone? Does it seem like to far a strech from the original feel of EV/O? All comments not only welcomed, but wanted 😃

tear it down

(This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 03-30-2000).)

Yeah, sounds good. Far from stretching from the original feel I'd say that given the passage of time involved some kind of upgrade would be inevitable via contact with UE and others. Go for it.


Well, I'm not sure. The idea of the Emalgha was that they were small and weak. Giving them the means to beat the Voinians might get away from that. But in the future, maybe...

And if you do, give other races upgrades too, OK?

Right, I still havnen't decided what all I will be giving the Voinians... but it WILL be a decent counter...

In fact all races will be upgraded to balance out everything

tear it down