A Chat Room For The Rest Of Us

There is a new EV chat room! At this stage anyone can enter and there are no restriction. It is only in the first stage of development at the moment and I'll do some work on it soon.
If you want go to <<www.outpost_beta.homestead.com>> and check it out.
Or go to <www.geocities.com/outpost_beta> for the rest of the site. (no link to chat room yet)

Hope to see ya there sometime.


Could Somebody Dim The Sun? It's Too Bright

Dreadnought, if you are looking for people to chat with theres always #ev, the official chat room. Plus it has about a million more features, with your java thing, you can't even see who's in the room and the window is really small.

Hopefully the admin's will have the directions on how to get there up soon. Otherwise, heres a quick way to get there.

first go to (url="http://"http://www.ircle.com")www.ircle.com(/url) and download ircle.

next connect to efnet. Heres some good servers


and finally message the bots and ask them to invite you in, type:
/msg greenyo invite #ev
/msg cramson invite #ev

Please be patient as there isn't always someone to let you in, but when they do, it will say you have been invited to #ev
then type /join ev

and then talk 🙂


I'm actually not interested in going into a chat room. I only made the Outpost Beta one to prove a point to a friend. I'm aware of the set backs with the current one, and haven't had a chance to fix it. In the end the Outpost Beta one will be set up so that the members of Outpost Beta can discuss their plugs. I'm going to add in a discussion board, it might simply replace the chat room or it might be an addition.

Anyway, thanks for that.


Could Somebody Dim The Sun? It's Too Bright

Sounds cool, just make the window BIGGER
