Are there really any moderators here?

I noticed HH, Jericon and Scurvy are the moderators here. I haven't seen anything from Jericon since the ol' days, HH shows up once a month and Scurvy only looks at EVMP stuff πŸ˜ƒ (who also has a "life"). So I just wondered if the moderators aren't here often enough to moderate.

But, as always, I am probably completly wrong about this and this is yet another unproductive, useless, waste o' space "complaint" (which it is not...) once again.
However, if I was right to some degree, I would suggest that I, a frequent and regular to this board (and the EV board... also moderatored by those 3), would be put into consideration for my "productive" assistance in being a hack cough moderator cough hack.

I won't ask directly simply because it would cause 30 other people to also ask to be moderator. But, in case I was right to a degree, I figure as long as I very frequently visit these boards I may as well offer my help in some way... if needed πŸ˜ƒ

Tear it down

A moderator needs to have some maturity, so that lets you out.



Kevin Jordan wrote:
**A moderator needs to have some maturity, so that lets you out.


As if someone who lowers himself to calling people "d***head" has any room to talk? How old are you, 8?

Tear it down

You are extremely funny Mikee.

No, we don't need more moderators, everything is doing great, i'm not seeing much of any spam here.

Of course, there's always the occasional complaint or near-spam message, and people desperatly trying to crawl up the moderator ladder πŸ˜›


Reasons why the UE and Voinians hate each other...
Β€Voinians prefer SPAM, while the UE likes SPAM light....
Β€The heads of both governments were trying to figure out which wife was
Β€Tomato, Tom'aaa'to, is there a difference? Aparantly so...
Β€Two Voinians accused the UE of using IBM computers...
Β€A UE Cruiser accidentally blew up a Voinian planet...
Β€Two words: name calling

What we need is some kind of "tag" system. You wouldn't need to be a moderator, but if you saw some bloated, offensive, and/or excessively spammy, you could "tag" it. Then the moderators would be shown the list of tagged messages and see whether they need to be deleted or locked up. Then if they were done with that and had plenty of time, they could check for anything else that might have been missed. Just think it'd make it a little easier and efficient.


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Captain Scurvy wrote:
**You are extremely funny Mikee.

No, we don't need more moderators, everything is doing great, i'm not seeing much of any spam here.

Of course, there's always the occasional complaint or near-spam message, and people desperatly trying to crawl up the moderator ladder πŸ˜›



I dunno about anyone like that πŸ˜›
Where the heck is the other moderators though...



Captain Scurvy wrote:
**You are extremely funny Mikee.

No, we don't need more moderators, everything is doing great, i'm not seeing much of any spam here.

Of course, there's always the occasional complaint or near-spam message, and people desperatly trying to crawl up the moderator ladder πŸ˜›


Now, now. Be kind to the boy. After all he is a "Freelance Asrophysicist". πŸ™‚



Kevin Jordan wrote:
**Now, now. Be kind to the boy. After all he is a "Freelance Asrophysicist". πŸ™‚


And you are a fool who obviously can't understand SARCASM. Boy. πŸ˜ƒ

tear it down


Soviet mikee wrote:
And you are a fool who obviously can't understand SARCASM. Boy. πŸ˜ƒ

And you're a jerkoff who can't even read a JOKE without throwing a flaming fit. πŸ˜›

Β— A n d r e w Λ‡ M Β—

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


Andrew M wrote:
**And you're a jerkoff who can't even read a JOKE without throwing a flaming fit.:p

Apparently you don't understand what a --> πŸ˜ƒ
adds to the mood of a post. You don't flame with a πŸ˜ƒ

tear it down


Soviet mikee wrote:
Apparently you don't understand what a -- > πŸ˜ƒ
adds to the mood of a post. You don't flame with a πŸ˜ƒ

That looks like a preprogrammed robot

Β— A n d r e w Λ‡ M Β—

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Yes there are Moderators Mikee... You know, I find it strange that you are the_only person to complain about the moderators on this board so far. And you were one of the few who started the flames of the moderators on the old boards too...

BTW: Mikee, I check these boards about once every two days, at least. More now than ever.

Consider this topic closed.
